
Eyes on Milwaukee: Barrett Withdraws Nannis Nomination
Eyes on Milwaukee

Barrett Withdraws Nannis Nomination

Interim Health Dept leader at issue, as City Hall infighting hits new highs.

The State of Politics: Supreme Court Primary Very Divisive
The State of Politics

Supreme Court Primary Very Divisive

Battle of Dallet, Burns and Screnock mirrors national, state political divides.

Eyes on Milwaukee: City Releases Contractor Gun Photo
Eyes on Milwaukee

City Releases Contractor Gun Photo

Third high-profile incident for contractor, $1.4 million in lost contracts.

Back in the News: Majority Now Backs Fair Redistricting
Back in the News

Majority Now Backs Fair Redistricting

37 counties, two-thirds of state’s population, have passed “Fair Maps” resolution.

Your Right to Know: Officials Must Provide Electronic Records
Your Right to Know

Officials Must Provide Electronic Records

They are covered by open records laws and often easier to use.

Our Crowded Prisons: Racine County Prisons Over Capacity
Our Crowded Prisons

Racine County Prisons Over Capacity

But Oregon prison is even more crowded

The Contrarian: Foxconn Not Helping Walker?
The Contrarian

Foxconn Not Helping Walker?

New poll suggests he’s in trouble, no positive bump from Foxconn deal.

Campaign Cash: Walker Signs Law Favoring Utilities
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs Law Favoring Utilities

Less power for consumers in rate disputes. Utility industry gave $2.1 million to state politicians.

Op Ed: Hire Local Unemployed at Foxconn
Op Ed

Hire Local Unemployed at Foxconn

State should enforce hiring agreements, provide transportation for area workers.

Op Ed: Walker Speech More About Politics Than Policy
Op Ed

Walker Speech More About Politics Than Policy

State-of-the-state speech was politically crafty, but ignored some major issues.

Court Watch: GOP Legislators Push Harsher Bail Rules
Court Watch

GOP Legislators Push Harsher Bail Rules

State constitutional amendment opposed by defense lawyers, supported by City of Milwaukee.

Campaign Cash: National Group Has Huge Clout in Wisconsin
Campaign Cash

National Group Has Huge Clout in Wisconsin

Virginia-based Republican State Leadership Committee spent $2.9 million to elect conservatives here.