
Eyes on Milwaukee: Will Foxconn Employ Any Milwaukeeans?
Eyes on Milwaukee

Will Foxconn Employ Any Milwaukeeans?

Despite nearly $4.1 billion subsidy, company only has goals, not mandates for hiring.

Op Ed: State Needs to Invest More In UWM
Op Ed

State Needs to Invest More In UWM

It’s critical to region’s economy. WOW county leaders should push for this.

Campaign Cash: Supreme Court Race Spending Topped $3 Million
Campaign Cash

Supreme Court Race Spending Topped $3 Million

And that’s just outside spending, which was nearly even for Screnock and Dallet.

Data Wonk: Voters Want Checks and Balances
Data Wonk

Voters Want Checks and Balances

That’s the message on Supreme Court race, Treasurer referendum. Was message received?

Trade War Threatens State’s Ginseng Growers

Trade War Threatens State’s Ginseng Growers

Trump hikes steel and aluminum tariffs, so China ups it on ginseng, a big state export.

Wisconsin Budget: Voters Okay 56 of 66 School Referendums
Wisconsin Budget

Voters Okay 56 of 66 School Referendums

$566 million in spending approved on April ballot, mostly for new construction.

Murphy’s Law: City’s Evictions Far From Worst
Murphy’s Law

City’s Evictions Far From Worst

New data on evictions shows a huge national problem with lessons for Milwaukee.

Campaign Cash: More Vote Against Citizens United
Campaign Cash

More Vote Against Citizens United

52% of state, in 129 communities, have now passed referendums to bar unlimited corporate donations.

Op Ed: Tommy Predicts Walker Could Lose Big
Op Ed

Tommy Predicts Walker Could Lose Big

“President should not be a bully,” Thompson says, and that will hurt GOP.

Court Watch: Dallet Won 313 of 322 City Wards
Court Watch

Dallet Won 313 of 322 City Wards

Screnock won just nine wards, and 25% of Milwaukee’s total vote.

Votes In 2018 Wisconsin Supreme Court Race Were Most Partisan In Two Decades

Votes In 2018 Wisconsin Supreme Court Race Were Most Partisan In Two Decades

Despite differing outcomes, ballot preferences echoed 2016 Presidential election.

Campaign Cash: Walker Gets $5.1 Million Boost
Campaign Cash

Walker Gets $5.1 Million Boost

Republican Governors Association books $5.1 million of TV ads to support Gov. Walker's reelection.