
City Hall: Barrett Unveils 2019 Budget Proposal
City Hall

Barrett Unveils 2019 Budget Proposal

Proposal would add 10 police officers, spend $20 million on lead abatement efforts.

Federal Agents Arrest 30 State Immigrants

Federal Agents Arrest 30 State Immigrants

Crackdown by ICE agents arrests two in Milwaukee, 11 in Madison.

Do Walker, Evers Campaign on State Time?

Do Walker, Evers Campaign on State Time?

Elected officials have looser rules for how much time they can take away from the job.

Op Ed: More Regulation of School Choice a Mistake
Op Ed

More Regulation of School Choice a Mistake

Study shows higher quality schools less likely to accept funding as rules increase.

The State of Politics: Democratic Program Recruits Women Candidates
The State of Politics

Democratic Program Recruits Women Candidates

Emerge program’s training give women the confidence to run for office.

Wisconsin Budget: The 8 Lessons of Foxconn
Wisconsin Budget

The 8 Lessons of Foxconn

Political leaders looking for what not to do could learn so much from Foxconn deal.

Illinois Cyber Hacking Worries Wisconsin

Illinois Cyber Hacking Worries Wisconsin

Election officials here work to prevent Russian hacking that gained access to 500,000 Illinois voters.

Murphy’s Law: The Best Governor Money Can Buy
Murphy’s Law

The Best Governor Money Can Buy

Just about every Walker policy was bought by special interests.

Data Wonk: The Impact of Republican Tax Cuts
Data Wonk

The Impact of Republican Tax Cuts

It relies on supply side economics. So how well is that working?

Campaign Cash: Big Walker Donor Gets $250,000 Grant
Campaign Cash

Big Walker Donor Gets $250,000 Grant

Badger Meter donates $26,000 to governor, gets big state grant from WEDC.

Op Ed: Where Will Walker, Evers Take Economy?
Op Ed

Where Will Walker, Evers Take Economy?

State in slow growth mode. Two candidates have very different approaches to this.

Murphy’s Law: Schimel’s Spoils System
Murphy’s Law

Schimel’s Spoils System

DOJ gag order on his employees shows the impact of ending civil service protections.