
Free Speech Crackdown on Agenda for University of Wisconsin Board of Regents Meeting

Free Speech Crackdown on Agenda for University of Wisconsin Board of Regents Meeting

Regents Seem More Interested in Pandering to Right-Wing Politicians Than Protecting Free Speech

Gov. Evers Signs Executive Order Declaring Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Wisconsin

Gov. Evers Signs Executive Order Declaring Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Wisconsin

"Through this executive order, we recognize and appreciate our tribal nations and Indigenous people and their resilience, wisdom, and the contributions they make to our state."

Erasing Columbus Day is not the best way to honor indigenous people

Erasing Columbus Day is not the best way to honor indigenous people

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan October 8, 2019

Gov. Evers Takes Action on Pardon Advisory Board Recommendations

Gov. Evers Takes Action on Pardon Advisory Board Recommendations

“A pardon can profoundly impact a person’s life by offering them an official grant of forgiveness.”

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on PFAS Chemicals Detected in Wisconsin Surface Waters

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on PFAS Chemicals Detected in Wisconsin Surface Waters

"The dangerous levels of PFAS recently detected in Wisconsin surface waters are alarming and warrant serious action."

Zach Whitney Announces Candidacy for Milwaukee Circuit Court

Zach Whitney Announces Candidacy for Milwaukee Circuit Court

Litigator, former ADA, and Milwaukee resident running for Branch 5

Budget Deliberations Should Focus on Using the People’s Dollars to Improve and Save Lives
Senators Baldwin and Blumenthal Call on Weight Watchers to Remove Dangerous Dieting App Targeted at Young Kids
Former WILL attorney launches open government law firm

Former WILL attorney launches open government law firm

"WILL is pleased to welcome the Wisconsin Transparency Project to the scene."

AG Kaul Praises Passage of Sexual Assault Kit in Senate Committee, Calls for Assembly Action

AG Kaul Praises Passage of Sexual Assault Kit in Senate Committee, Calls for Assembly Action

"Thank you to the state senators who have moved Wisconsin closer to passing legislation that is designed to help prevent another backlog of untested sexual assault kits."

Milwaukee County Announces New Investments in Homeless Prevention Services in the 2020 Budget

Milwaukee County Announces New Investments in Homeless Prevention Services in the 2020 Budget

$250,000 investment in the Housing First Initiative will support prevention programming

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Urges Trump Administration to Protect Health Coverage for People with Pre-Existing Conditions

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Urges Trump Administration to Protect Health Coverage for People with Pre-Existing Conditions

Letter requests HHS and CMS to limit push of “junk” health insurance plans that cover less and cost more