
The State of Politics: State Treasurer Race Heating Up
The State of Politics

State Treasurer Race Heating Up

Suddenly voters care. Unusual interest and cash in the campaign.

City Hall: Police Issue First Ticket for Scooter Crash
City Hall

Police Issue First Ticket for Scooter Crash

Pedestrian on sidewalk struck by Bird scooter operator on N. Downer Ave.

Campaign Cash: AG Race Attracts $1.3 Million in Six Months
Campaign Cash

AG Race Attracts $1.3 Million in Six Months

Challenger Kaul raised nearly as much as incumbent Schimel in first half of 2018.

EPA Seeks Ideas for Great Lakes Cleanup

EPA Seeks Ideas for Great Lakes Cleanup

Agency, experts agree solutions may take many years.

Race for Governor: Liberal Groups Won’t Endorse For Governor
Race for Governor

Liberal Groups Won’t Endorse For Governor

None of four Democratic finalists got more than one-third of online vote.

The Contrarian: Ron Johnson To The Rescue?
The Contrarian

Ron Johnson To The Rescue?

His attempt to bring peace between Vukmir and Nicholson backers is welcome.

Op Ed: State School Funding Has Steadily Declined
Op Ed

State School Funding Has Steadily Declined

Blue Ribbon Commission on School Funding finds schools struggling with unmet needs.

Sen. Baldwin Demands Packers Coverage

Sen. Baldwin Demands Packers Coverage

Bill requires cable companies to provide all state customers an option to see Packers games.

Op Ed: Both Parties Ducking Major Issues
Op Ed

Both Parties Ducking Major Issues

But what will Trump’s impact be on state’s November election?

Back in the News: Brad Schimel Soft on Crime?
Back in the News

Brad Schimel Soft on Crime?

New data shows AG not just slow to go after rapists, but drugs and firearms cases.

City Hall: Council Delays Flag Decision
City Hall

Council Delays Flag Decision

Delegates Milwaukee Arts Board to decide if new flag needed and how to proceed.

Poll Good News for Evers, Vukmir

Poll Good News for Evers, Vukmir

Evers lead widens in gubernatorial primary, Vukmir nudges ahead of Nicholson.