
Campaign Cash: Walker Has Massive Money Advantage
Campaign Cash

Walker Has Massive Money Advantage

$50 million in campaign and outside advocacy funds for Walker, $14 million for Evers.

Labor Leader Phil Neuenfeldt Dies

Labor Leader Phil Neuenfeldt Dies

Longtime former head of Wisconsin AFL-CIO ran union in tough times.

Murphy’s Law: Young Voters Could Decide Election
Murphy’s Law

Young Voters Could Decide Election

Vote by 18- to-29 year-olds surging in some states. What about Wisconsin?

Canvassing The City For Votes

Canvassing The City For Votes

At election crunch time, Milwaukee canvassers go door-to-door while we join them.

City Hall: Pay Hike for City Politicians Is On Hold
City Hall

Pay Hike for City Politicians Is On Hold

Ald. Chantia Lewis delays vote on 13.6% raise she and some other colleagues want. Mayor threatens veto.

The State of Politics: 7 Numbers At Issue in Election
The State of Politics

7 Numbers At Issue in Election

Number of jobs, number of prisoners, dollars saved on roads, and more.

Campaign Cash: Record Outside Spending in AG Race
Campaign Cash

Record Outside Spending in AG Race

Nearly $5 million, about five times higher than past record, spent on Schimel, Kaul.

Data Wonk: Why Schimel’s Lawsuit Makes No Sense
Data Wonk

Why Schimel’s Lawsuit Makes No Sense

Even conservatives suggest the AG’s suit against Affordable Care Act is bad law.

Groups Spend $32.4 Million On Election!

Groups Spend $32.4 Million On Election!

New mid-term record, old mark was $18.9 million. Republicans have 2-1 edge in outside group spending.

Groups Urge Yes Vote on Legal Pot

Groups Urge Yes Vote on Legal Pot

ACLU, MICAH, WJI, several legislators back advisory referendum to legalize marijuana.

Campaign Cash: Kaul Leads Schimel in Campaign Dollars
Campaign Cash

Kaul Leads Schimel in Campaign Dollars

Democratic challenger for AG raised $877,000 in last two months while Schimel raised $604,000.

Your Right to Know: Odd Case Shows Folly of Official Secrecy
Your Right to Know

Odd Case Shows Folly of Official Secrecy

Racine judge actually seals the proceedings of an open-records suit.