
City Hall: Council Inches Toward Universal Basic Income
City Hall

Council Inches Toward Universal Basic Income

Proposal will create a framework, needs philanthropic support.

40th Annual Tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.

40th Annual Tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.

Capitol dome echoed with music, tributes at oldest state celebration in America.

Murphy’s Law: Did Chief Morales Target His FPC Boss?
Murphy’s Law

Did Chief Morales Target His FPC Boss?

Common Council concerned. “Borderline frightening” use of police power, Bauman charges.

Op Ed: Trump’s Decision to Kill
Op Ed

Trump’s Decision to Kill

The President seems to have gotten away with murder, just like he said he would.

Top Donors In Supreme Court Race

Top Donors In Supreme Court Race

Topping the list: Diane Hendricks and Richard Uihlein for Kelly, Lynde Uihlein for Karofsky.

Bill Addresses “Race Out of Place” Police Stops

Bill Addresses “Race Out of Place” Police Stops

Rep. Stubbs suffered such racial profiling when campaigning in mostly white neighborhood.

The State of Politics: GOP Targets Three Democratic Reps
The State of Politics

GOP Targets Three Democratic Reps

Their Assembly districts voted for Trump. They now face Republican challengers.

Op Ed: What Would Martin Luther King Think?
Op Ed

What Would Martin Luther King Think?

What would he make of Trump, and the 2020 Democratic challengers?

MPS Playgrounds Going Green

MPS Playgrounds Going Green

Better for students and less stormwater runoff pours into sewer system.

Op Ed: Legislature Must Act on Human Trafficking
Op Ed

Legislature Must Act on Human Trafficking

Safe Harbor legislation has been introduced repeatedly in the past several sessions, without passage.

Mocked By Trump, Wisconsin Woman Sets The Record Straight

Mocked By Trump, Wisconsin Woman Sets The Record Straight

Protester ejected from President Trump's rally in Milwaukee tells her story.

City Hall: DNC Security Zone Includes Almost All of Westown
City Hall

DNC Security Zone Includes Almost All of Westown

Expect travel delays, but zone is not hard perimeter says Secret Service, MPD.