
Op Ed: Trump Wants to Slash Social Security
Op Ed

Trump Wants to Slash Social Security

If reelected will push for this. Has proposed $1.9 trillion cut in entitlement programs.

The State of Politics: Stakes High in Voter Purge Battle
The State of Politics

Stakes High in Voter Purge Battle

Would remove 17% of Milwaukee County voters, but less than 1% of Waukesha County voters.

Evers Releases Anti-Vaping Agenda

Evers Releases Anti-Vaping Agenda

Package of politics targets youth vaping, a “serious public health epidemic.”

Morales Listening Session Gets Mixed Reviews

Morales Listening Session Gets Mixed Reviews

Police chief held session on North Side. Here’s the reaction of some attendees.

Evers Signs Order for Redistricting Commission

Evers Signs Order for Redistricting Commission

Nonpartisan effort to avoid gerrymandering, but Republicans vow to do their own maps.

Bid to Amend Constitution Gets Weird

Bid to Amend Constitution Gets Weird

GOP legislators back constitutional convention and chair mistakes one black lawmaker for another.

Op Ed: Yes, Republicans Want Less Democracy
Op Ed

Yes, Republicans Want Less Democracy

Voter purges and gerrymandering seek to disenfranchise minorities. Let’s call this what it is.

Foxconn’s Tax Credits Lower Than Budgeted?

Foxconn’s Tax Credits Lower Than Budgeted?

Could mean state has $150 million to spend in current budget that won’t go to Foxconn.

Q&A With Circuit Court Candidates Part Two

Q&A With Circuit Court Candidates Part Two

Blomme, Dedinsky and Whitney make their case for election to Branch 5. Part Two

DNR Working On New PFAS Rules

DNR Working On New PFAS Rules

GOP controlled assembly rejects legislation enabling tougher regulation of "forever chemicals."

AG Calls Out GOP Lawmaker

AG Calls Out GOP Lawmaker

Kaul urges legislator to work on sexual assault kit bill.

State Expects To Collect $818 Million More in Taxes Than Estimated

State Expects To Collect $818 Million More in Taxes Than Estimated

Republicans and Democrats battle over how to use the money.