
Avoidable and senseless crash takes the life of beloved community leader, spouse

Avoidable and senseless crash takes the life of beloved community leader, spouse

Joint statement from Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa, Alderman Scott Spiker and Alderman José G. Pérez October 20, 2020

Disallowing canines as use of force to go before PS & H Committee
Gov. Evers Provides Update on Investments made in Public Health, Emergency Response, and Economic Stabilization

Gov. Evers Provides Update on Investments made in Public Health, Emergency Response, and Economic Stabilization

Administration continues to prioritize Wisconsin communities in COVID-19 pandemic response

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Reintroduces Legislation to Support American Manufacturers and Shipbuilders

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Reintroduces Legislation to Support American Manufacturers and Shipbuilders

"Strong Buy American standards drive local economic growth and create good paying jobs that support Wisconsin families."

Gov. Evers Seeks Applicants for Winnebago County Circuit Court
Democratic Party of Wisconsin Announces “Happy Days” Reunion
Fitzgerald Leadership Turning Wisconsin Into Failed State
Two years after Trump put a shovel in the ground, Wisconsin is still waiting on Foxconn to come through
Gov. Evers Releases Statement on Denial of Temporary Injunction Request for State’s Public Gathering Limits
Baldwin Seeks Swift Release of LIHEAP Heating Help

Baldwin Seeks Swift Release of LIHEAP Heating Help

40 U.S. Senators Urge Trump Administration to Make LIHEAP Funds Available to States

Climate Change Denial Will Harm All of Us Eventually
Wisconsin Department of Justice Working to Protect Fair Election

Wisconsin Department of Justice Working to Protect Fair Election

AG Kaul Issues Reminder: Voter Intimidation is Illegal