
Murphy’s Law: Ron Johnson More Trumpian Than Trump?
Murphy’s Law

Ron Johnson More Trumpian Than Trump?

Wisconsin’s senior senator has become one of America’s leading crackpots.

Trump Allies Sue To Throw Out Wisconsin Election

Trump Allies Sue To Throw Out Wisconsin Election

Suit would overturn results before recount even done and have Legislature choose electors.

City Hall: Barrett Picks Leon Todd to Lead Fire & Police Commission
City Hall

Barrett Picks Leon Todd to Lead Fire & Police Commission

Public defender would be fourth executive director in three years.

Early Recount Has Small Gain for Trump

Early Recount Has Small Gain for Trump

With half the votes recounted in Dane and Milwaukee counties, 57 more votes for Trump.

Op Ed: Republican Slams Party for State Recount
Op Ed

Republican Slams Party for State Recount

Fond du Lac Chairman, talk radio’s Jeff Wagner attack effort to ‘disenfranchise' legal voters.

Poop Wristbands Draw Ire at Recount

Poop Wristbands Draw Ire at Recount

Or was that chocolate ice cream? Talk Radio host Vickie McKenna is miffed.

City Hall: Council Overrides One of Two Barrett Vetos
City Hall

Council Overrides One of Two Barrett Vetos

Veto of added funding for lead abatement program was overriden on 11-4 vote.

City Finds 386 Sealed Ballots In a Box

City Finds 386 Sealed Ballots In a Box

All ballots from Ward 315 which Urban Milwaukee reported had shown a big drop in turnout.

Kaul Sues Legislature Over Lame Duck Laws

Kaul Sues Legislature Over Lame Duck Laws

Lawsuits can’t be settled, consumers lose out on potential settlements, AG charges.

Trump Campaign Objects to Over 160,000 County Ballots

Trump Campaign Objects to Over 160,000 County Ballots

"Behavior of Trump observers" has delayed process, one official charges.

Op Ed: Dear Wisconsin Supreme Court
Op Ed

Dear Wisconsin Supreme Court

Please follow normal procedures and allow all petitioners to be heard on critical issue of gerrymandering.

The State of Politics: State Officials Can’t Agree on Pandemic
The State of Politics

State Officials Can’t Agree on Pandemic

Just as Vos agrees with Evers that some measures needed, Senate leader says no.