
Op Ed: You Pay Them $3,300 a Week, They Oppose $600 For You
Op Ed

You Pay Them $3,300 a Week, They Oppose $600 For You

Every Republican member of Congress from Wisconsin opposed pandemic relief bill.

Op Ed: State Needs Climate Change Flooding Plan
Op Ed

State Needs Climate Change Flooding Plan

Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change lays out the changes and challenges state faces.

Op Ed: Mayor Barrett Is Asleep At The Switch
Op Ed

Mayor Barrett Is Asleep At The Switch

His handling of Fire and Police Commission is just one example of increasingly negligent leadership.

Data Wonk: We Won Wisconsin Big!
Data Wonk

We Won Wisconsin Big!

Actually Trump was defeated by Trump — as state and national voting patterns show.

Wisconsin Republicans Join New Federal Election Lawsuit

Wisconsin Republicans Join New Federal Election Lawsuit

Suit seeks to toss results from five states in advance of Electoral College.

Op Ed: Beware of Trump Declaring Martial Law
Op Ed

Beware of Trump Declaring Martial Law

He discussed doing it last week. It raises long-term questions about presidential power.

Lawyers Denounce Attacks on State Justices

Lawyers Denounce Attacks on State Justices

They call on state bar, Supreme Court leadership to condemn threatening, anti-Semitic attacks.

Rural Wisconsin Needs Government Help

Rural Wisconsin Needs Government Help

They supported Republicans again. Will rural residents get help they need?

Murphy’s Law: Why So Many Police Chiefs?
Murphy’s Law

Why So Many Police Chiefs?

Milwaukee's police leadership has become a surreal version of musical chairs. What’s going on?

City Hall: Barrett Sticks With Ann Wilson for FPC
City Hall

Barrett Sticks With Ann Wilson for FPC

Reappointing her to Fire & Police Commission though she backed its reckless decision to demote Chief Morales.

Op Ed: Why Shirley Abrahamson Mattered
Op Ed

Why Shirley Abrahamson Mattered

For decades one of the leading state supreme court judges in the nation.

MKE County: Crowley Calls Special Election for Supervisor
MKE County

Crowley Calls Special Election for Supervisor

Board seat open with Sup. Supreme Moore Omokunde's election to State Assembly.