
Ron Johnson Flip-Flops On Supreme Court

Ron Johnson Flip-Flops On Supreme Court

In 2016, wouldn't take up Obama' nominee six months before presidential election, now will do it for Trump.

Evers Fires Workforce Development Secretary

Evers Fires Workforce Development Secretary

Sec. Caleb Frostman asked to resign over unemployment system delays.

Op Ed: Legal Group WILL Opposes Pandemic
Op Ed

Legal Group WILL Opposes Pandemic

Columnist Bruce Thompson confuses law and policy, we object to how pandemic measures are done.

Op Ed: Ron Johnson on the Warpath
Op Ed

Ron Johnson on the Warpath

Senator subpoenas dozens of Obama officials. Anything to get Trump reelected.

Trump Announces $13 Billion Farm Aid

Trump Announces $13 Billion Farm Aid

The president announced the new relief during rally in Wisconsin.

Ron Johnson Quarantining After COVID-19 Exposure

Ron Johnson Quarantining After COVID-19 Exposure

Johnson skipped Trump rally to maintain his quarantine.

Milwaukee Suburbs Key To Controlling Assembly

Milwaukee Suburbs Key To Controlling Assembly

Dems target suburban districts, Republicans try to gain a veto-proof majority in the Assembly

Instances of Voter Fraud Incredibly Low

Instances of Voter Fraud Incredibly Low

Only 19 cases that might have been fraud in past two years.

City Hall: How Much Did DNC Cost Milwaukee?
City Hall

How Much Did DNC Cost Milwaukee?

Audit pending. Officials hope all security costs of convention are reimbursed by federal government.

Op Ed: State DMVs Not Accessible for Photo IDs
Op Ed

State DMVs Not Accessible for Photo IDs

May create barrier for thousands seeking access to the ballot.

Campaign Cash: Koch Group Leads Outside Spending
Campaign Cash

Koch Group Leads Outside Spending

63% of special interest spending on state legislative races backs Republicans.

Evers Wants to Extend Mask Mandate

Evers Wants to Extend Mask Mandate

Order expires in two weeks, governor looking at "every possible avenue” to extend it.