
GOP Lawmakers Seek to Prevent Non-Citizens from Voting

GOP Lawmakers Seek to Prevent Non-Citizens from Voting

State constitution does not explicitly prohibit non-citizens from voting.

Data Wonk: About That Data on Charter Schools
Data Wonk

About That Data on Charter Schools

Diving deeper into charter school data and polls of voters tells interesting story.

Op Ed: Are State’s Schools Rolling In Dough?
Op Ed

Are State’s Schools Rolling In Dough?

Republican legislators think Milwaukee Public Schools getting away with something.

City Hall: Pension Costs Will Cause Huge Worker Layoffs
City Hall

Pension Costs Will Cause Huge Worker Layoffs

One-sixth of city workforce projected for cuts by 2026, with added cuts in future years.

Public Testimony Backs Evers Budget

Public Testimony Backs Evers Budget

Hearings held only in state’s smaller cities but Evers budget favored 284 to 30 by speakers.

School Districts End Mask Requirement

School Districts End Mask Requirement

Rural and suburban school districts across state relent, often pressured by parents.

Murphy’s Laws: The New Gerrymandering Scheme
Murphy’s Laws

The New Gerrymandering Scheme

Republicans charge taxpayers for private attorneys to defend secret legislative scheme before it’s even been created.

Who’s the Most Right Wing Of All?

Who’s the Most Right Wing Of All?

Conservative group ranks state’s most conservative members of Congress and Legislature.

Evers Can Remake UW Regents Board

Evers Can Remake UW Regents Board

After 3 new appointments up in May, he will have picked majority of board.

Op Ed: Senate Leader Blocks Marijuana Reform
Op Ed

Senate Leader Blocks Marijuana Reform

Most state voters favor it. Blacks are 4.2 times more likely to be arrested for possession.

MKE County: County Facilities To Ban Single-Use Plastics
MKE County

County Facilities To Ban Single-Use Plastics

Phasing out out non-biodegradable products from county facilities and parks by next year.

State Won’t Lose Congressional Seats

State Won’t Lose Congressional Seats

Census Bureau says Wisconsin will retain all 8 seats in U.S. House of Representatives.