
Fueled by Homegrown Wisconsin Donors, Tom Nelson in Feingold Territory

Fueled by Homegrown Wisconsin Donors, Tom Nelson in Feingold Territory

“Like us, Russ didn’t have the most money but what he DID have was the truest and most authentic progressive vision for Wisconsin’s working families.”

Gov. Evers Releases Statement Reacting to Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision Regarding Redistricting
Governor Evers Vetoes Education Reform Bills to Expand Options, Empower Parents
Supervisor Goodwin Statement on End of Milwaukee County Board Tenure
Gov. Evers Takes Action on 43 Bills
Ahead of Tax Day, Labor Leaders Blast Johnson and GOP For Pushing to Raise Taxes on 32% of Wisconsinites
Fitzgerald Introduces NEA Charter Repeal Act
Lasry Campaign Reports $3.9 Million in 1st Quarter
Black Maternal Health Week a time to support mothers throughout the community

Black Maternal Health Week a time to support mothers throughout the community

Statement of Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, Alderwoman Chantia Lewis and Alderwoman Nikiya Dodd

U.S. Senate Democrat Candidates Silent on Record Inflation Numbers
Joint Finance Committee Meets, Refuses to Discuss Knowles-Nelson Grants

Joint Finance Committee Meets, Refuses to Discuss Knowles-Nelson Grants

Republicans Demand Transparency While Hiding Behind “Anonymous Objections”

The Peaceful Protest Canceled against District 18 County Supervisor Elect-Republican Deanna Alexander