Murphy’s Law
Why Walker Won’t Compromise
He now says he will bring us together. But don’t bet on it.
Jun 14th, 2012 by Bruce MurphyThe Farley Fiasco
Is the County board punishing Abele’s aide Patrick Farley for whistle blowing?
Jun 4th, 2012 by Bruce MurphyDid the State Screw Talgo?
The train company's stunned CEO blasts Wisconsin for breaching its contract “like a Third World country.”
May 31st, 2012 by Bruce MurphyMilwaukee Could Decide Race
Without a high county turnout, Tom Barrett is toast.
May 25th, 2012 by Bruce MurphyThe Invisible Man
The chief opponent of the art museum’s $25 million repair plan has stood by while the War Memorial rotted away.
May 23rd, 2012 by Bruce MurphyThe Media’s $10 Million Error
The art museum’s plan to repair the War Memorial will cost $25 million, not $15 million. And that’s not all the errors.
May 21st, 2012 by Bruce MurphyBob Donovan’s Shadowy Charity
Operation Impact raises money to combat crime. But where are its records?
May 17th, 2012 by Bruce MurphyThe Anti-Recall Patriots
Suddenly it’s become patriotic to oppose recalls. Wouldn’t Tom Ament be surprised.
May 14th, 2012 by Bruce MurphySenator Wanggaard’s Double Dipping
State Sen. Van Wanggaard cuts benefits for workers while getting ever more for himself.
May 10th, 2012 by Bruce MurphyKaren Ordinans’ Role in Shaping the Pension Plan
One of the remarkable stories in local government is the continuing survival of County Board chair Karen Ordinans.
Apr 21st, 2002 by Bruce MurphyThe Embarrassing Failure of Miller Park
The Milwaukee Brewers have begun the season with a horrendous start, one that is setting franchise records for futility.
Apr 16th, 2002 by Bruce MurphyWhy Unions Don’t Like Scott Walker
Given that Jim Ryan has not closed the door completely on privatizing some government functions, you might wonder why he was endorsed by labor for county executive.
Apr 12th, 2002 by Bruce Murphy