Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Dumping on Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

Dumping on Milwaukee

How a Pulitzer-Prize winning reporter distorted data to bad rap the city.

Murphy’s Law: Rocky Road
Murphy’s Law

Rocky Road

Some aldermen want to dump DCD head Rocky Marcoux, but Mayor Barrett disagrees.

Murphy’s Law: “Indignant” Police Chief Defends Department’s Integrity
Murphy’s Law

“Indignant” Police Chief Defends Department’s Integrity

Chief Flynn provides data that calls into question the Journal Sentinel’s reporting.

Murphy’s Law: The War Against Chief Flynn
Murphy’s Law

The War Against Chief Flynn

Why is the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel trashing the city’s best police chief in decades?

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Won’t Compromise
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Won’t Compromise

He now says he will bring us together. But don’t bet on it.

Murphy’s Law: The Farley Fiasco
Murphy’s Law

The Farley Fiasco

Is the County board punishing Abele’s aide Patrick Farley for whistle blowing?

Murphy’s Law: Did the State Screw Talgo?
Murphy’s Law

Did the State Screw Talgo?

The train company's stunned CEO blasts Wisconsin for breaching its contract “like a Third World country.”

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Could Decide Race
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Could Decide Race

Without a high county turnout, Tom Barrett is toast.

Murphy’s Law: The Invisible Man
Murphy’s Law

The Invisible Man

The chief opponent of the art museum’s $25 million repair plan has stood by while the War Memorial rotted away.

Murphy’s Law: The Media’s $10 Million Error
Murphy’s Law

The Media’s $10 Million Error

The art museum’s plan to repair the War Memorial will cost $25 million, not $15 million. And that’s not all the errors.

Murphy’s Law: Bob Donovan’s Shadowy Charity
Murphy’s Law

Bob Donovan’s Shadowy Charity

Operation Impact raises money to combat crime. But where are its records?

Murphy’s Law: The Anti-Recall Patriots
Murphy’s Law

The Anti-Recall Patriots

Suddenly it’s become patriotic to oppose recalls. Wouldn’t Tom Ament be surprised.