Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: The Latest Journal Sentinel Purge
Murphy’s Law

The Latest Journal Sentinel Purge

Some big names could be leaving the ever-shrinking newspaper.

Murphy’s Law: Did Republicans Blow It?
Murphy’s Law

Did Republicans Blow It?

The court decision striking down collective bargaining law exposes obvious constitutional problems with it.

Murphy’s Law: Rich Park, Poor Park
Murphy’s Law

Rich Park, Poor Park

Milwaukee County Parks is increasingly a two-tier system, with the worst maintained parks in poor areas.

Murphy’s Law: Capital Sex Scandal
Murphy’s Law

Capital Sex Scandal

Strange but true: Star member of Gov. Walker’s cabinet is accused of an affair that led to attempted murder.

Murphy’s Law: Can Tammy Beat Tommy?
Murphy’s Law

Can Tammy Beat Tommy?

She wouldn’t have a chance against the old Tommy, but the newer edition could be beat.

Murphy’s Law: Why Voter Fraud Is So Rare
Murphy’s Law

Why Voter Fraud Is So Rare

What the experts know that the scaremongers are deliberately ignoring.

Murphy’s Law: Are Republicans More Generous?
Murphy’s Law

Are Republicans More Generous?

A new study shows blue states give far less to charity than red states.

Murphy’s Law: Will State Screw Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

Will State Screw Milwaukee?

Expert condemns state for switching Milwaukee’s foster care funding to help other counties.

Murphy’s Law: Abele Under Fire
Murphy’s Law

Abele Under Fire

Has the Johnny Thomas situation poisoned relations between the county exec and county board?

Murphy’s Law: The Tragedy of Chris and Sue
Murphy’s Law

The Tragedy of Chris and Sue

How the friendship of Abele and Black turned into bitter enmity.

Murphy’s Law: The Journal Sentinel’s Attack Dog
Murphy’s Law

The Journal Sentinel’s Attack Dog

Two stories this week continue its relentlessly biased coverage of Chief Flynn and the police department.

Murphy’s Law: Myths About Black’s Firing
Murphy’s Law

Myths About Black’s Firing

Strip away the myths and you begin to see why Abele dumped her.