
Hours Cut at City’s Free COVID Test Sites

Hours Cut at City’s Free COVID Test Sites

Two sites closing earlier because sun setting earlier as fall approaches.

Data Wonk: Is COVID-19 Winning in Wisconsin?
Data Wonk

Is COVID-19 Winning in Wisconsin?

The data is alarming. As are the many allies of the virus.

99% of State Public Water Meets Standards

99% of State Public Water Meets Standards

But new report finds more than 300 water systems unsafe, violate federal standards.

Evers Wants to Extend Mask Mandate

Evers Wants to Extend Mask Mandate

Order expires in two weeks, governor looking at "every possible avenue” to extend it.

WI Daily: COVID-19 Cases Declining In Every Age Group Except 18-24
WI Daily

COVID-19 Cases Declining In Every Age Group Except 18-24

But seven-day case total is at an all-time high.

COVID-19 Cases Up 70% in State Prisons

COVID-19 Cases Up 70% in State Prisons

907 positive cases, up from 373 on August 21, prisons in Dodge and Racine counties have worst outbreaks.

State’s Suicide Rate Up 40% Since 2000

State’s Suicide Rate Up 40% Since 2000

Rate is on par with alarming national trend.

UW System Behind Testing Dorm Residents

UW System Behind Testing Dorm Residents

Ramping up COVID-19 testing nearly two weeks after classes started at most campuses.

WI Daily: 771 New Cases, Seven-Day Total Keeps Climbing
WI Daily

771 New Cases, Seven-Day Total Keeps Climbing

Positive case rate continues its upward trend.

Local Health Officials Stripped of Power?

Local Health Officials Stripped of Power?

State Supreme Court’s Dane County ruling could threaten longstanding power of all local health officials, expert believes.

WI Daily: Third COVID-19 Case Record In 10 Days
WI Daily

Third COVID-19 Case Record In 10 Days

One-day record positive case rate over 20 percent continues push of seven- and 14-day averages to new highs.

WI Daily: Highest Three-Day COVID-19 Total Since Pandemic Began
WI Daily

Highest Three-Day COVID-19 Total Since Pandemic Began

Cases continue to climb across the state, while Milwaukee's growth rate stabilizes.