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Back in the News: The Arrogance of Summerfest
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The Arrogance of Summerfest

Mayor Barrett met with Summerfest board members, who agreed to share more information about its finances and director’s compensation.

Back in the News: More About Iron Mine Controversy
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More About Iron Mine Controversy

Cullen wins award for work on legislation as Milwaukee Magazine weighs in with story.

Back in the News: County Backdrops
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County Backdrops

Unions have filed suit to protect the infamous backdrops, which made many county employees wealthy.

Back in the News: The Dennis Smith “Affair”
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The Dennis Smith “Affair”

State health secretary resigns after legal motions filed by accused murderer claiming his wife had affair with Smith.

Back in the News: Sheriff David Clarke
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Sheriff David Clarke

His radio ads says he needs the help of armed homeowners, but Clarke has almost nothing to do with combating violent crime.

Back in the News: For Sale – Scott Skiles McMansion
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For Sale – Scott Skiles McMansion

The For Sale sign on Skiles' house in Mequon was an early sign that he wanted out of Milwaukee.

Back in the News: How to Prevent Gun Rampages
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How to Prevent Gun Rampages

The Newtown massacre restarts the conversation begun after the Brookfield spa shooting. State legal changes could reduce the number of massacres.

Back in the News: Sue Black
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Sue Black

She was wrongly fired, she insists to Milwaukee Magazine, whose cover story has many community leaders praising her.