Arts & Entertainment

PODCAST: Live action superheroes dominating a theatre near you

Live action superheroes dominating a theatre near you

In 2011 alone, 12 comic book adaptations are slated to debut on the big screen. This week, comic connoisseur John Steib explores comic book history and the super hero phenomenon.

Know Milwaukee: Creating diverse communities with Bethany Sanchez
Know Milwaukee

Creating diverse communities with Bethany Sanchez

Through her work with the Milwaukee Fair Housing Council and a national network of nonprofits, Bethany Sanchez advocates for fair lending practices and helps empower home owners.

On Stage 7/19-25: Can’t take our eyes off these shows
On Stage 7/19-25

Can’t take our eyes off these shows

Doo-wop at the Marcus Center, deep modern dance at the Lynden Garden, pop songs at the Wilson Center.

Recall 5Q: 22nd State Senate GOP primary
Recall 5Q

22nd State Senate GOP primary

Democratic Sen. Robert Wirch is the subject of a recall campaign. His GOP opponents square off to decide who will enter the ring.

Threads: Eco Fashion – Reuse, Recycle, Accessorize

Eco Fashion – Reuse, Recycle, Accessorize

Fashion designers are going green, creating funky accessories out of discarded candy wrappers, tires, and everything in between. This week, Val shares some of her favorite eco-friendly pieces.

Redistricting race: Who will finish first?
Redistricting race

Who will finish first?

As the state GOP races to approve legislative and congressional seat realignment, area citizens demand a do-over from the county board to maintain compact neighborhood supervisory districts.

Barrett says Streetcar is an investment in growing Milwaukee

Barrett says Streetcar is an investment in growing Milwaukee

Mayor Tom Barrett is ready to moved forward, but public hearings and a common council meeting are the next hurdles for the Milwaukee Streetcar project.

On Stage 7/12-18: Gathering on the Green, a surge of theater
On Stage 7/12-18

Gathering on the Green, a surge of theater

A bundle of plays and musicals open, along with a Mequon music festival and a thesis show at Danceworks.

Op/Ed: Applying the law to the Legislature

Applying the law to the Legislature

Following a Supreme Court decision that the Open Meetings Law doesn't apply to the Senate or Assembly, Democratic leaders offer an amendment to change the law.

The City Cyclist: The Hank Aaron State Trail
The City Cyclist

The Hank Aaron State Trail

Take in a view of Milwaukee's industrial past and tour the picturesque Menomonee Valley on the winding paths of the Hank Aaron State Trail extension.

Elected or appointed judges: Will it stop the fighting?
Elected or appointed judges

Will it stop the fighting?

An amendment to appoint Wisconsin Supreme Court justices may not end the rancor, but it could stop the influence of third-party money.

How well do you know the First Amendment?

How well do you know the First Amendment?

As you celebrate our country's independence today, take time to test your knowledge of some of our most important freedoms.