Pump up the polka!

Pump up the polka!

When The Squeezettes play, the beer that made Milwaukee famous will make a fool out of you, and you will do the hokey pokey, and you want to know why?

UNSCRIPTED: The answers are history

The answers are history

On relationships and making life's tough choices: when it comes to multiple choice questions, most of us actually do know the “right” answer – whether we choose it or not.

Cultural Zero: Summerfest
Cultural Zero


A performer's insanely late recap.



Mark Metcalf meets Jack Covert and Todd Sattersten, CEO and President, respectively, of 800-CEO-READ, a local company that sells business books and promotes great ideas. (We think THEY'RE a great idea!)

GALLERY NIGHT: Rest your eyes this week. You’ll need them.

Rest your eyes this week. You’ll need them.

A summer bumper crop of intriguing shows and promising installations in an art corridor that runs from the East Side down to Bay View.

Moving Pictures: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Moving Pictures

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

The previous Harry Potter films have been enjoyable to watch even for those who haven't read the book. How does the Half-Blood Prince compare?

Deep-Fried Romantic: The Treehouse that Never Was
Deep-Fried Romantic

The Treehouse that Never Was

It started out with a simple suggestion from my sister to Dad. So far it has resulted in family debate, referencing local law books, price checks at the lumber store and a spray-painted pine.

On Stage with TCD: 7/22 to 7/28
On Stage with TCD

7/22 to 7/28

This week on Milwaukee stages: dancing, tuba-playing contests, street music, tango and scenes from Shakespeare's greatest hits.

Review: Beauty’s Daughter for Uprooted Theatre

Beauty’s Daughter for Uprooted Theatre

Milwaukee's new African-American Theate company opens with a powerful, poetic, and late-night experience as told through Marti L. Gobel's one woman performance from a famous Orlandersmith play.

What’s Happening: July 20-26
What’s Happening

July 20-26

This week: indie rock invaders, Milwaukee Film hosts a sudsy fundraiser, The Riverwest 24 and Downer Avenue Classic shred the streets, German Fest raises a few steins and a very special Gallery Night party - with US!

Dear Ken Macha: Restless Trade Syndrome (47-45)
Dear Ken Macha

Restless Trade Syndrome (47-45)

There's more trading-deadline hysteria as the Brewers finally make a move. Plus, Prince Fielder shows his true colors and Frank Catalanotto's battle for the rights to an ironically bad 80's song.

Review: Sexual Perversity in Chicago

Sexual Perversity in Chicago

Video presentation, a fluid direction, and that staccato way of talking. You know? Yeah. But you know? Right. It's playing at Bay View's Alchemist Theatre.