Arts & Culture
Artful destinations
Get out of town for must-see modern and contemporary art shows in Madison, Sheboygan and West Bend
Aug 13th, 2009 by Kat MurrellThere will be tiptoeing at some point in the play
It's Oscar Wilde's Bliss family, busy ignoring their dinner guests. APT's troupe brings to life a "comedy of manners" in the latest Up The Hill outdoor staging. As in most Wilde plays, the guests sneak out.
Aug 11th, 2009 by Peggy Sue DuniganHighlights from 8/12 to 8/18
Storms turn Gaelic in Tosa before Irish Fest this weekend. Alchemist gets Broadminded, DanceCircus hits the Boys and Girls circuit, and a little Steampunk hits the Cabot.
Aug 10th, 2009 by Brian JacobsonPhantom of the Opera is a feast for eyes, ears
It's a show that will please most 'Phans' and most newcomers, while a few may not get it. A look at the national tour now in Milwaukee for the month, crashing (well ... sliding) chandelier and all.
Aug 10th, 2009 by Paul MastersonPart two
The suit does the talking: the second essay in Mark's two-part series about auditioning for, and appearing in, the hit TV show Mad Men.
Aug 5th, 2009 by Mark MetcalfThe Milwaukee Comedy Festival
No funny business: Milwaukee comedy has a life and a character all its own. See for yourself at the Milwaukee Comedy Festival this weekend 8/6 - 9. Here's our preview.
Aug 4th, 2009 by Tea KrulosThe Pleasures and Sorrows of Work
Why would you read a book about work, of all things, during the dog days of summer? Alain de Botton's latest collection of essays is surprisingly gracious, entertaining and lovely to look at. That's why.
Aug 4th, 2009 by Kat MurrellTen tap dancing Cleopatras is quite a sight
A review of Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, now showing for Soulstice Theatre
Aug 4th, 2009 by Russ BickerstaffHighlights from 8/7 to 8/13 (Updated)
It's muggy, and the performing arts world gets a little crazy--crazier than usual--as a month-long Phantom of the Opera rolls in, the surreal Missoula Oblongata arrives, and a full-on puppet parade. Includes footnotes of Milwaukee auditions, news, and more.
Aug 3rd, 2009 by Brian JacobsonAfternoon Tea on the Terrace
Pour over the history of tea while drinking tea!
Aug 3rd, 2009 by Laura Heller