Related Articles - Page 6

State Relents on Squeezing Family Planning Clinics

State Relents on Squeezing Family Planning Clinics

State auditor had demanded millions in repayment from clinics offering birth control, but now backs off.

Republicans Target Family Planning Clinics With Audit

Republicans Target Family Planning Clinics With Audit

Rules they seek to enforce could shut down every clinic offering birth control services in Wisconsin.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Battle Against Birth Control
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Battle Against Birth Control

State audit that could shut down family planning clinics may be latest of his anti-contraception efforts.

Will State Force Family Planning Clinics To Close?

Will State Force Family Planning Clinics To Close?

State auditors say they are protecting taxpayers; birth control advocates say state has political agenda.

Money Flow to Politicians Never Stops

Money Flow to Politicians Never Stops

The past year has seen union coffers decline, while other donors keep the cash coming.

Cash the Check, Lawyers Benefit From Controversy at Capitol

Cash the Check, Lawyers Benefit From Controversy at Capitol

New laws passed by Walker and GOP keep getting challenged in court.

Why is Anti-Abortion Lobby So Powerful?

Why is Anti-Abortion Lobby So Powerful?

Despite spending far less than groups like Planned Parenthood, Pro-Lifers keep winning legislative battles.

The Roundup: Drink for Free
The Roundup

Drink for Free

One of the joys of electoral politics is that the polls eventually close on election day and then it is up to us to flock to the parties.

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