Analise Pruni

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MPS Students Lobby For Better Lunches

MPS Students Lobby For Better Lunches

“They’re not appetizing.” 100 students lobby legislators in Madison.

State Behind The Times on Pot Laws?

State Behind The Times on Pot Laws?

Most states have less severe penalties. And black state residents more likely to be arrested.

Can Senior Centers Be Saved?

Can Senior Centers Be Saved?

New report considers costs, future of Milwaukee County’s five senior centers.

Youth Summit Tackles Drugs, Violence

Youth Summit Tackles Drugs, Violence

Milwaukee County Substance Abuse Prevention Youth Summit offers young people alternatives.

Green Group’s Washington Park Plan Proceeds

Green Group’s Washington Park Plan Proceeds

With county board approval of long-term lease, Urban Ecology Center will expand facilities, services.

Service Workers Push For Higher Wages

Service Workers Push For Higher Wages

Ald. Zielinski's resolution backs Gov. Evers' plan to hike minimum wage to $15 an hour.

2019 MANDI Nominee: Architectural Planner Helps Underserved Areas
2019 MANDI Nominee

Architectural Planner Helps Underserved Areas

Prof. Carolyn Esswein and Community Design Solutions help develop city neighborhoods.

Should Washington Park Get Historic Designation?

Should Washington Park Get Historic Designation?

Proposal for Olmsted-designed park could alter Urban Ecology Center’s plans for renovation.

Schools’ Program Provides Mental Health Care

Schools’ Program Provides Mental Health Care

Students from south side UCC schools get mental health help both at school and home.

Some Final Memories of Civil Rights Era

Some Final Memories of Civil Rights Era

Community members share stories, make memes to remember civil rights history.

Anti-Immigrant Policies Spread Fear, Experts Say

Anti-Immigrant Policies Spread Fear, Experts Say

Speakers at UWM panel urge more information to combat ignorance about immigrants.

Financial Education Class Helps Poorer Residents

Financial Education Class Helps Poorer Residents

150 graduates this year of city and WWBIC program for those with public housing, rent assistance.

How Three Women Developers Succeeded

How Three Women Developers Succeeded

They stress thinking differently about the community at MU panel moderated by Mike Gousha.

Ratings Rising for Child Care Centers

Ratings Rising for Child Care Centers

But state requirements may be pushing county’s smaller child care centers out of business.

Fire Department Defends Vacant Building Signs

Fire Department Defends Vacant Building Signs

They're meant to warn fire fighters of hazards; Bauman charges they attract crime.

County Panel Nixes Bus Fare Crackdown

County Panel Nixes Bus Fare Crackdown

Sebring wants enforcement against those who don’t pay fare. Committee defeats it on 3-2 vote.

Income is Greatest Barrier to Affordable Housing

Income is Greatest Barrier to Affordable Housing

Report finds incomes in Milwaukee County are a greater barrier to housing than high rents.