Content referencing Karen Mueller

Wisconsin Supreme Court To Take Up Case On Ivermectin

Wisconsin Supreme Court To Take Up Case On Ivermectin

Waukesha resident sought judge's order for Advocate Aurora to use drug to treat his uncle.

Vote Tuesday: Statewide Republican Candidates
Vote Tuesday

Statewide Republican Candidates

Hotly-contested race for gubernatorial nomination is just the tip of the iceberg.

Ivermectin Lawsuits Create New Challenge For Health Care Providers

Ivermectin Lawsuits Create New Challenge For Health Care Providers

Some patients demanding the drug threaten or file lawsuits when they don't get it.

Court Says Hospitals Can’t Be Forced To Treat COVID-19 With Ivermectin

Court Says Hospitals Can’t Be Forced To Treat COVID-19 With Ivermectin

Decision stems from lawsuit filed by man that demanded ivermectin treatment for family member.

Campaign Cash: GOP Group In D.C. Targets Josh Kaul
Campaign Cash

GOP Group In D.C. Targets Josh Kaul

Republican AG Association will spend nearly $700,000 on ads against WI attorney general.

Data Wonk: High Court Minority Embarrasses Itself
Data Wonk

High Court Minority Embarrasses Itself

State Supreme Court came perilously close to invalidating a legal election.

Karofsky Calls Trump Suit ‘Un-American’

Karofsky Calls Trump Suit ‘Un-American’

Justice charges suit is "so your king can stay in power” at state Supreme Court hearing.

Federal Judge Denies Trump’s Wisconsin Election Lawsuit

Federal Judge Denies Trump’s Wisconsin Election Lawsuit

Judge Brett Ludwig, who President Trump nominated, rules election followed the rule of law

Trump’s Lawsuits May Impact State

Trump’s Lawsuits May Impact State

Failing in court but increasing Wisconsin’s partisan divide and undermining legitimacy of its elections.

Trump Sues Again, This Time in Milwaukee and Dane Counties

Trump Sues Again, This Time in Milwaukee and Dane Counties

Trump campaign now has three suits pending to overturn Wisconsin's election.

Trump Files Second Suit Seeking to Throw Out Wisconsin Election

Trump Files Second Suit Seeking to Throw Out Wisconsin Election

Trump campaign targets five cities, alleging voter fraud.

New Lawsuit Challenges Election Drop Boxes, Wants Election Thrown Out

New Lawsuit Challenges Election Drop Boxes, Wants Election Thrown Out

It's the second suit challenging the election. A third could be coming.