Content referencing Tom Kertscher

Back in the News: Journal Sentinel Loses Six More Staff
Back in the News

Journal Sentinel Loses Six More Staff

All veterans taking buyout, as staff continues to be purged.

PolitiFact staffers go ‘On the Issues’ at Marquette Law School
Press Release

PolitiFact staffers go ‘On the Issues’ at Marquette Law School

Since it began in 2007, PolitiFact has focused on looking at specific statements made by politicians and rating them for accuracy.

Data Wonk: Did Walker Save Wisconsin’s Economy?
Data Wonk

Did Walker Save Wisconsin’s Economy?

So claims his supporters at WILL. Let’s consider the evidence they offer.

Murphy’s Law: Can Burke Beat Walker?
Murphy’s Law

Can Burke Beat Walker?

The 2014 campaign may depend on which candidate has the best story to tell.

Murphy’s Law: The Debtor Governor
Murphy’s Law

The Debtor Governor

Figures from non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau figures show Walker’s debt level the worst since 1970.