Chantia Lewis Ordered To Pay More Than $27,000
Former alderwoman currently serving 30 days in custody for campaign finance violations.

Chantia Lewis speaks at a 2019 press conference on tiny homes for veterans. Photo by Jeramey Jannene.
Former alderwoman Chantia Lewis received the restitution bill for her two campaign finance felonies Friday.
Lewis owes the city of Milwaukee approximately $2,250 and her campaign fund approximately $25,000.
In a hearing that lasted less than 10 minutes Friday afternoon, Judge Milton Childs read the terms of her agreement into the record.
Lewis pled guilty in July to misappropriating more than $20,000 from her campaign fund and the City of Milwaukee. Her crimes included using campaign funds as a “personal slush fund,” seeking reimbursement for travel expenses from the city and her campaign fund, pocketing campaign contributions and obscuring contributions over the legal limit by splitting them up. She withdrew money from her campaign account using an ATM while in Wisconsin Dells and other vacation destinations.
Her first felony conviction includes a stayed nine-month sentence in the House of Correction. The second conviction includes a stayed three-year state prison term, which would be served half in custody and half in extended supervision. She must perform 50 hours of community service as part of the sentence. As part of the felony convictions, she cannot possess a firearm for the rest of her life and cannot vote until her civil rights are restored.
But Childs said Lewis’ lack of a prior criminal record and numerous character letters, including those from Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Representative David Bowen, resulted in his lighter sentence. The judge said there have been other consequences, including losing her job, the embarrassment of the proceedings and the felony conviction.
“I thought running for office was traumatizing. This has absolutely been the most traumatizing experience of my life,” said Lewis at the sentencing hearing. She said she was sorry to have let down her colleagues, children, residents of her aldermanic district, church family and the broader community. “This was absolutely not something I did nefariously or with malice. I am just not that type of person.
Lewis said her behavior was “bad judgment” and a “mistake.”
Lewis is represented by attorneys Michael Chernin and Michael Maistelman.
She was first elected to the Milwaukee Common Council in 2016 and re-elected in 2020. An Air Force veteran, Alverno College graduate and ordained minister, Lewis, 42, branded the far northwest-side 9th District she represented the “New Ninth” as she sought to reinvigorate the commercial area around the former Northridge Mall. Lewis has been married for 17 years and has three children, ages 16, 15 and 12.
Lewis was once seen as a rising star among Democratic politicians. She filed to run for U.S. Senate in July 2021, the ninth candidate to formally enter the Democratic primary.
In 2018, a proposal by Lewis to raise the salaries of Milwaukee elected officials by 13% was held after news reports of the idea circulated. The base pay for a council member is $73,222. She previously filed for bankruptcy in 2005 and 2008.
Criminal Complaint
The investigation into Lewis, according to the complaint, started with a May 2020 review of multiple council members’ travel expenses and campaign finance disclosures.
“A review of the documents for all of the alderpersons showed material inconsistencies in Lewis’s filings as well as in her reimbursement for city-approved travel. In particular, they showed that Lewis had received reimbursement from the City of Milwaukee for travel, which travel she then paid for out of her campaign account, Chantia 4 Progress, keeping the reimbursement for herself,” says the complaint.
Her first time submitting falsified travel reimbursement forms to the city occurred in November 2016. She used campaign funds to pay for a trip, then requested reimbursement from the city and deposited the money into her personal bank account.
The complaint also says Lewis improperly used campaign funds to cover costs of tuition at Agape Love Bible College, an automobile loan, a personal credit card bill, car repair and Las Vegas hotel expenses.
A copy of the criminal complaint is available on Urban Milwaukee.
More about the Chantia Lewis charges
- City Hall: Chantia Lewis Ordered To Pay More Than $27,000 - Jeramey Jannene - Oct 7th, 2022
- Former Alderwoman Chantia Lewis Booked Into House of Correction - Jeramey Jannene - Sep 30th, 2022
- Chantia Lewis Sentenced To 30 Days In Custody, 3 Years Probation - Jeramey Jannene - Aug 25th, 2022
- City Hall: Ald. Chantia Lewis Pleads Guilty, Removed From Office - Jeramey Jannene - Jul 18th, 2022
- City Hall: Embezzlement, Misconduct Trial Scheduled For Chantia Lewis - Jeramey Jannene - Jun 3rd, 2022
- City Hall: Trial of Ald. Chantia Lewis Inches Forward - Jeramey Jannene - Feb 21st, 2022
- City Hall: Chantia Lewis Case Moving Towards Trial - Jeramey Jannene - Oct 18th, 2021
- Chantia Lewis Goes To Court - Jeramey Jannene - Sep 29th, 2021
- City Hall: Ald. Chantia Lewis Charged With Defrauding City, Campaign of $21,000 - Jeramey Jannene - Sep 7th, 2021
Read more about Chantia Lewis charges here