Despite Losing Lawsuit, Coalition To March on RNC Will Proceed Without Permit
Group says it won't follow city's designated parade route.

New route for Coalition to March on RNC. Map courtesy of the coalition.
The Coalition to March on the RNC did not win its case in federal court on Monday, but it is not giving up.
The coalition, composed of more than 70 activist groups and organizations, sued the City of Milwaukee after the city refused to permit a march inside the security zone of the Republican National Convention. With legal representation from the American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin (ACLU), the group was in federal court this past month seeking an injunction against the city’s restrictions, arguing that they violate its rights under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
The group has maintained that it will march within “sight and sound” of Fiserv Forum, whether the city permits it or not.
The coalition includes dozens of activist groups and organizations and leaders expect thousands of marchers to join them in its protest of the Republican National Convention and the Republican Party next week.
U.S. District Court Judge Brett Ludwig did not grant the injunction and said the city’s restrictions meet the standard for “time, place and manner” limitations accepted by the U.S. Supreme Court, in a decision released late Monday.
Omar Flores, a coalition co-chair, told Urban Milwaukee that the decision was “partially anticipated” as Ludwig was appointed by former president and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. However, in fairness, Flores added, the case was rushed and not given the time it needed to be properly litigated.
The coalition is still planning to march and not along the city-designated route. Leaders of the group released a map of the route showing they plan to march into the soft security zone along N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. Pedestrians and cyclists are able to pass freely through the “soft zone” but vehicles must go through a security checkpoint.
“We’re not engaging with the city’s route at all,” Flores said. It also doesn’t intend to use one of the city’s amplified stages.
The city has designated two zones for protests and demonstrations: Zeidler Union Square, 301 W. Michigan St, and Haymarket plaza at the intersection of N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and W. McKinley Avenue. Groups and individuals can sign up to use amplified platforms at the two zones between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. throughout the convention. The designated parade route loops around the southern edge of Westown, near Zeidler Union Square.
“While the city is calling them protest zones, we’re actually calling them conflict zones because anybody can sign up for those speaking slots,” Flores said. “That could mean right-wing extremists, that could mean people that want to antagonize our march.”
Flores said the city could still decide to permit the new march they have planned, but that it will move forward with or without permitting.
Milwaukee Police Chief Jeffrey Norman previously said police should only be used as a “last resort” for intervening in protests. However, the department has developed a “mass arrest” plan.
“We’re not naive, right, we understand that there is the potential for a bad situation,” Flores said, adding that organizers are expecting the best and preparing for the worst.
“If the worst happens, we’re prepared for it,” he said. “We’ve got lawyers lined up, we got people ready for jail visits, we got a bail fund.”
The coalition was successful in getting Ludwig to grant an injunction barring the city from denying a permit based on an applicant’s prior criminal history. According to a city report referenced by Ludwig, the city has not used that authority.
You can read Judge Ludwig’s decision on Urban Milwaukee.
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Yikes seems like another jan 6th riot is being plannned. These people should plan on long jail sentences if they try to cause problems.
If I get arrested, it will have been 51 years between arrests for exercising my 1st amendment right to protest. I’d be setting an example for my grandkids. #raiseemright
The Republican National Convention appears more and more like an occupation. Why are they so afraid of the strawman they’ve made of the Democrats? Their paranoia and fear says much about their self-regard and their world outlook.
Does suburban Brother Cotic forget WHO rioted on Jan. 6? Yes, they’re back- as MAGA delegates! They’re who we need to worry about. We, the citizens of Milwaukee, will exercise our constitutional rights when and where WE choose.
I wish these people would use their energy and resources to actually help others in this community instead of creating hatred, division and violence. We should try to help each other out and realize that all people in this state can learn from each other. Learning from each other with careful consideration is the only way to solve the crucial problems our city faces moving forward. Sad to see this type of hate and narrow minded behavior in this city.
Ryan Cotic, I agree that the Republican Party should better spend their energy and resources to actually help others in this community instead of creating hatred, division and violence, but here we are.
Relax, people…the Coalition’s 30 minutes of fame/infamy are almost up.
I agree with Mr Cox. We are all about preserving, saving, our democratic republic. That specifically speaks to a concern about helping ALL people, regardless of party affiliation or ideology. Without the rule of law, without the institutions put in place to protect individual rights—the ones Trump promises to eliminate—how can we possibly help people? The democratic process is being threatened boldly and blatantly and, through peaceful demonstration, we show anger along with our 1st amendment rights.
Who is creating hatred and division? Do you know anything at all about the organizations involved in the protest? Most are non-profits working to help make Milwaukee a more welcoming, sustainable, and healthy community. They do this without any support from the RNC AND in many cases with outright opposition from RRRs (radical reactionary republicans.)
Also, the protesters are NOT planning on storming the US Capitol, like the January 6 rioters. Protesters have no plans to in anyway disrupt the RNC proceedings. The protesters DO plan on highlighting the fascist policies RRRs are calling for.
Cotic your comparison is illogical. The January 6th rioters stormed the SEAT OF GOVERNMENT. This is the definition of insurrection. The RNC is not a seat of government despite their over inflated sense of importance.
Well, we do know that the right wing terrorist groups that rioted at the capitol on Jan. 6th are actively trying to get others of their ilk to come to MKE next week.
I do not believe their intentions are peaceful unlike the marchers.
Also, trump tipped their hand when he referred to MKE as a “horrible” city. They anticipate trouble so they can trash MKE.
They need fights and preferably a shooting or 10 so they can cry about a “horrible” democratic city.