Alvin Cole Family Files Civil Rights Lawsuit Against Wauwatosa
Alvin Cole was killed in 2020 by former Wauwatosa police officer Joseph Mensah.

Protesters gather at Wauwatosa’s City Hall. They called for the firing of Officer Joseph Mensah, but also for the implementation of body cameras at the police department. Photo by Isiah Holmes/Wisconsin Examiner.
Civil rights attorney Kimberley Motley has filed a new lawsuit in the Eastern District of Wisconsin, focusing on the 2020 killing of 17-year-old Alvin Cole by former Wauwatosa officer Joseph Mensah. Cole was shot while fleeing an altercation between a group of youth at Wauwatosa’s Mayfair Mall. Police said Cole fired a single shot from a handgun before Mensah fired. Dash video shows Cole was shot in the back four times while on his hands and knees. A handgun was recovered afterward. Branding this “the story of one of the deadliest police officers in American history,” the complaint filed by Motley argues that a culture of policing in Wauwatosa catalyzed what would become Mensah’s third fatal shooting in five years.
The lawsuit is pursuing damages against Mensah, Weber, and the city of Wauwatosa for Cole’s death. As in a civil lawsuit filed for the death of Jay Anderson Jr., the second person Mensah shot, Cole’s lawsuit connects Wauwatosa history to the events of his death. From 1920 to at least the 1950’s, Wauwatosa was considered a restrictive zoning city where non-white residents were prohibited from living. This led a culture of racist housing covenants which barred individual homes from being rented to non-white residents, especially Black residents. These practices endured into the 1960s and even the 1970s. Through the 80s and early 90s, the Wauwatosa Police Department (WPD) was also known to host black-face parties on Martin Luther King Day. Clothing and food stereotypical of Black people were featured, and fliers were distributed advertising a fake hunting season where the “animal” to be hunted was Black residents.
This history, Motley’s lawsuit argues, laid the groundwork for Mensah’s three fatal shootings. Although Mensah himself is of African descent, the lawsuit outlines that the young officer’s formative experiences would have been at a department which “approaches Black and brown people as inherently suspicious” and “is more likely to use force on Black and brown people.”
Prior to resigning from WPD and getting hired at the Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department, Mensah was the only WPD officer to kill anyone in eight years. Although several officers were on the scene of Cole’s shooting, only Mensah fired. While his second shooting was being investigated in 2016, Mensah was awarded a medal of valor for his first shooting less than a year prior to Gonzales. The newly filed lawsuit notes that Gonzales was killed “only seven months into his time as a police officer.” Unlike the first two shootings, Cole’s shooting was simply ruled “privileged” by the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office. The office, however, did not put the word “justified” anywhere in the charging decision. It also argues that Mensah’s fitness for duty and psychological status were not properly evaluated after his first two shootings. “Defendant Mensah is responsible for 100% of all deaths by police shootings in the city of Wauwatosa since at least January 2011,” reads the lawsuit.
On May 12, 2021, Mensah was awarded a medal of valor for killing Cole by Weber. This occurred despite the fact that Mensah no longer worked at WPD. The lawsuit seeks damages not only from Mensah, but from Weber and the city of Wauwatosa as well. Whereas the city demonstrated a problematic racial history, Weber awarded Mensah for his shootings and excused the behavior of other officers, such as the ones who held the black-face parties. The lawsuit also accuses the city of “failure to create and implement ” adequate use of force policies, and failures in evaluating Mensah’s psychological state and fitness for duty. It also accuses Mensah of using excessive and discriminatory force against Cole.
New lawsuit filed against Wauwatosa for Cole shooting was originally published by the Wisconsin Examiner.
More about the Case of Officer Joseph Mensah
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- Special Prosecutors Appointed in Case Against Joseph Mensah - Corrinne Hess - Dec 8th, 2021
- Supervisor Clancy Applauds Probable Cause Decision in Death of Jay Anderson, Jr. - State Rep. Ryan Clancy - Jul 29th, 2021
- Rep. Bowen Statement on John Doe Charging Decision Against Joseph Mensah - State Rep. David Bowen - Jul 28th, 2021
- Closing Arguments Delivered On Jay Anderson’s Killing - Isiah Holmes - May 20th, 2021
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- Tosa Police Chief Testifies About Mensah - Corrinne Hess - May 4th, 2021
Read more about Case of Officer Joseph Mensah here