A Safe Home for Former Prostitutes

A Safe Home for Former Prostitutes

New Catholic institution will give women two years to turn their lives around.

Review: The Rise of Kyle Kinane

The Rise of Kyle Kinane

The touring comedian was hilarious last night at Shank Hall.

Theater: Local Boy Makes Good

Local Boy Makes Good

Skylight’s new show is top composer Daron Hagen’s love letter to his home town of Milwaukee.

Mary Burke, Underdog Millionaire

Mary Burke, Underdog Millionaire

She's raked in $1.8 million but is still far behind Walker in fundraising.

Review: Crowd Says Yes to Uh Huh Her

Crowd Says Yes to Uh Huh Her

Electropop duo gets the audience dancing at Turner Hall.

Milwaukee Is a Great Lakes Star

Milwaukee Is a Great Lakes Star

New census estimates show Milwaukee’s population is growing faster than any other Great Lakes city.

Review: Joys of the Classical Guitar

Joys of the Classical Guitar

Guitarist Rene Izquierdo joins the Philomusica Quartet, with lovely results.

Back in the News: Art Museum Drops Design, Re-Hires Shields
Back in the News

Art Museum Drops Design, Re-Hires Shields

In a remarkable turnabout, the Milwaukee Art Museum scraps its controversial design and brings back the city's leading museum architect.

Murphy’s Law: State PSC Gives Huge Giveaway to Businesses
Murphy’s Law

State PSC Gives Huge Giveaway to Businesses

Electric ratepayers in one-half of the state will subsidize downtown Milwaukee businesses.

Yesterday’s Milwaukee: Century Hall, 1915
Yesterday’s Milwaukee

Century Hall, 1915

It later became a bar and East Side cultural icon, but Century Hall was originally a place to go bowling.

Monthly Musical Musings: April’s Top CDs
Monthly Musical Musings

April’s Top CDs

The Both, EMA and Fear of Men lead the list.

NEWaukeean of the Week: Sarah Tomczyk
NEWaukeean of the Week

Sarah Tomczyk

"We need local companies to start tapping into the millennial generation for their ideas and insights in building a better Milwaukee."