Content referencing Lee Holloway

Op Ed: Local Black History You Should Know
Op Ed

Local Black History You Should Know

Including Marvin Pratt, Heal the Hood and the Young, Black & Opinionated podcast.

City Hall: Hamilton Ally May Run for His Seat
City Hall

Hamilton Ally May Run for His Seat

Marvin Pratt's daughter may run. Ald. Hamilton's bid for mayor now seems all but certain.

Governor Walker Statement on the Passing of Former Milwaukee County Board Chairman Lee Holloway
Press Release

Governor Walker Statement on the Passing of Former Milwaukee County Board Chairman Lee Holloway

"Tonette and I send our prayers to the family of former Milwaukee County Board Chair Lee Holloway."

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Love Photo ID
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Love Photo ID

It may not make a huge difference in the vote. Just enough to win.

Milwaukee Leaders Endorse Johnny Thomas for City Comptroller

Contribution to Russell W. Stamper, II of $100

Milwaukee Leaders Endorse Johnny Thomas for City Comptroller

Contribution to Johnny Thomas of $100

Milwaukee Leaders Endorse Johnny Thomas for City Comptroller
Press Release

Milwaukee Leaders Endorse Johnny Thomas for City Comptroller

“Johnny Thomas is the person that we need to be our next Milwaukee City Comptroller,” said Alderman Willie Wade.

Murphy’s Law: Who is Scott Walker?

Contribution to Sherman Morton of $50

Murphy’s Law: Who is Scott Walker?
Murphy’s Law

Who is Scott Walker?

The real, profusely documented story of the man who would be president.

Murphy’s Law: The Bizarre Politics of Ald. Tony Zielinski
Murphy’s Law

The Bizarre Politics of Ald. Tony Zielinski

Once a hard core conservative, he’s now a Bay View liberal. Except when opposing things like the streetcar.

Feature Story: The Battle Between Walker and Burke
Feature Story

The Battle Between Walker and Burke

They are two wildly different personalities with quite different agendas. A frank look at both candidates for governor.

Federal Court Strikes Down Wisconsin Voter ID Law
Press Release

Federal Court Strikes Down Wisconsin Voter ID Law

ACLU represented plaintiffs at trial in November

House Confidential: Russell Stamper’s Century-Old Sherman Blvd. Home
House Confidential

Russell Stamper’s Century-Old Sherman Blvd. Home

The ever-busy county supervisor and aldermanic candidate also handles rental evictions on the side.

Supervisor Peggy Romo West Says Milwaukee County Board Has Set a Path for Mental Health Redesign of Today
Press Release

Supervisor Peggy Romo West Says Milwaukee County Board Has Set a Path for Mental Health Redesign of Today

The Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors has set the course for the significant expansion of mental health programming into the community and the downsizing of the residential units at Milwaukee County's Mental Health Complex, Supervisor Peggy Romo West said today.

Op-Ed: Why Kimberly Walker Was Fired

Why Kimberly Walker Was Fired

The county board had ample grounds for dismissing the Corporation Counsel.

Murphy’s Law: The Return of Sue Black
Murphy’s Law

The Return of Sue Black

How she got the new job. And will she run against Chris Abele?

Murphy’s Law: Still Defending the Infamous Pension Plan
Murphy’s Law

Still Defending the Infamous Pension Plan

County Exec Abele wants to cut back the lucrative backdrop provision. Why are supervisors delaying this?

Murphy’s Law: The High Cost of the County Board
Murphy’s Law

The High Cost of the County Board

We could save millions and improve efficiency by cutting the county board and its huge staff.

Murphy’s Law: The Mighty County Board
Murphy’s Law

The Mighty County Board

A doormat a decade ago, the board is now far more powerful -- much to Chris Abele’s chagrin.

Governor Doyle Vetoes Milwaukee County Sales Tax for Transit

Governor Doyle Vetoes Milwaukee County Sales Tax for Transit

When the budget finally made it to his desk, Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle used his extensive veto powers in a lot of ways. The most significant of which was arguably the line-item veto of the Milwaukee Transit Authority and the proposed 0.65% sales tax increase for Milwaukee County. Doyle did not veto SERTA, the authority which is to run the KRM commuter rail line, and the $18 rental car tax. This veto puts back on the drawing board Doyle's proposal for a three-county sales tax to fund the KRM and bus service in Kenosha, Racine, and Milwaukee Counties, while at the same time not delaying the KRM development process.

RTA Meets the Milwaukee County Board – Meeting Recap

RTA Meets the Milwaukee County Board – Meeting Recap

The Milwaukee County Board's Transportation, Public Works, and Transit Committee, chaired by Supervisor Michael Mayo, held a meeting on Wednesday morning to discuss the recommendations approved by the Southeast Wisconsin Regional Transit Authority. Julia Taylor, the Governor's Appointee on the RTA, was on hand to answer questions along with Carl Mueller, the RTA's PR consultant, and Ken Yunker, who has worked closely with the RTA in his role at SEWRPC.

Plenty of Horne: Raclaw to Challenge Veteran in 14th Supervisory District
Plenty of Horne

Raclaw to Challenge Veteran in 14th Supervisory District

Supervisor Nyklewicz will face a rare challenge for his seat when Milwaukee Police detective Sebastian C. J. Raclaw announces his candidacy for the Milwaukee County Supervisor for the 14th District

The Roundup: Taxes Due on Site of Suspicious 2002 OIC Fire
The Roundup

Taxes Due on Site of Suspicious 2002 OIC Fire

On March 10, 2002, a five-alarm fire destroyed the plant of Opportunities Pallet Recycling and Manufacturing Co, Inc.

Murphy’s Law: Which County Board Members Only Work Part-Time?
Murphy’s Law

Which County Board Members Only Work Part-Time?

It was 9 a.m. on a Friday morning in late October of last year when I began calling county supervisors for a story in Milwaukee Magazine.

Murphy’s Law: Is Ament’s Pension Deal Biased Against Blacks?
Murphy’s Law

Is Ament’s Pension Deal Biased Against Blacks?

In the wake of the pension controversy, County Executive F. Thomas Ament has attempted to woo the black community in hopes that strong support there might keep him in office.