David Canon, a UW-Madison political science professor,

Content referencing David Canon

Supreme Court Race Costs $13 Million in Three Weeks

Supreme Court Race Costs $13 Million in Three Weeks

Ad war will help set national spending record. 'We're gonna blow it out of the water.'

How Much Clout Does Your U.S. Rep Have?

How Much Clout Does Your U.S. Rep Have?

Which committee does each one sit on and why it matters to Wisconsin.

The State of Politics: Just How Purple Is Wisconsin?
The State of Politics

Just How Purple Is Wisconsin?

Election results going back three decades show an almost perfectly divided state.

WILL Report Finds Little Voter Fraud

WILL Report Finds Little Voter Fraud

But conservative group cites potential for future fraud, attacks election administrators.

The State of Politics: Will State Judges Protect Voting Rights?
The State of Politics

Will State Judges Protect Voting Rights?

Expert at state forum suggests federal courts may be less important as state courts rule on election laws.

Experts Say Voting Could Be Easier

Experts Say Voting Could Be Easier

Report finds Wisconsin trails some states in assuring access to voting.

Parties Divided on State Election Reforms

Parties Divided on State Election Reforms

But there is bipartisan support for quicker voting. Will anything get passed?

GOP Spends Big on Appeals Court Race

GOP Spends Big on Appeals Court Race

Led by Republican fat cats Richard Uihlein, John Menard. Cost of state appeals court races up 700%.

Gerrymandering Creates Difficult Road for Dems in Wisconsin
Mail-In Ballots Indicate Huge Turnout for August Primary

Mail-In Ballots Indicate Huge Turnout for August Primary

Already, the absentee ballots requested surpass the total turnout for the 2016 primary.

Op Ed: Why Vos and Fitzgerald Fear Fair Maps
Op Ed

Why Vos and Fitzgerald Fear Fair Maps

Only 10% of legislative districts and 0% of congressional districts offer voters a real choice.

Op Ed: Vos, Fitzgerald Lie About Gerrymander
Op Ed

Vos, Fitzgerald Lie About Gerrymander

Their claim that Iowa model for nonpartisan redistricting is unconstitutional is dead wrong.

Legislation Moved Quickly Under Walker

Legislation Moved Quickly Under Walker

Much quicker passage, less public input, in first legislative session under Walker, analysis finds.

Paul Ryan’s absences from House votes not acceptable
Press Release

Paul Ryan’s absences from House votes not acceptable

Apparently, the House functions best without Ryan’s presence.

Can Auto Redistricting End Gerrymandering?

Can Auto Redistricting End Gerrymandering?

A software programmer devises a way to eliminate political bias.