MKE County: Domes Project Lining Up Key Financing Component
MKE County

Domes Project Lining Up Key Financing Component

Complicated redevelopment project needs funding from several sources.

MKE County: Supervisor Adds Domes Project to 2025 Budget
MKE County

Supervisor Adds Domes Project to 2025 Budget

Board advances plan to redevelop the Domes, transfer operations to nonprofit.

Supervisor Martinez Budget Amendment Advances “Domes Reimagined” Proposal
MKE County: Domes Group Proposes $133 Million Repair, Redevelopment
MKE County

Domes Group Proposes $133 Million Repair, Redevelopment

Friends of the Domes plan to save the Domes needs $30 million from Milwaukee County.

MKE County: New Domes Plan Expected This Summer
MKE County

New Domes Plan Expected This Summer

Friends group working with Parks on final plan for Mitchell Park Domes. But will it work?

MKE County: New Plan Emerging To Save The Domes
MKE County

New Plan Emerging To Save The Domes

Friends of the Domes takes on bigger role in planning for Domes' future.

MKE County: Domes Costs Shock Supervisors
MKE County

Domes Costs Shock Supervisors

'I think we're just in shock,' supervisor says on estimate of up to $100 million for Domes.

Op Ed: Don’t Despair About the Domes
Op Ed

Don’t Despair About the Domes

Mitchell Park Domes can be saved if we stop naysaying and take action.

MKE County: Parks Launches Mitchell Park Campaign
MKE County

Parks Launches Mitchell Park Campaign

Public engagement campaign aimed at building support, awareness for The Domes, Mitchell Park and a potential project.

MKE County: New Firms Will Study Rehab, Replacement or Demo of The Domes
MKE County

New Firms Will Study Rehab, Replacement or Demo of The Domes

Construction consultant Concord Group will review options for redevelopment and demolition of The Domes.

MKE County: County Begins Future Domes Study
MKE County

County Begins Future Domes Study

Seeking construction consultant to price everything from demolition to restoration to expanded urban botanical complex.

MKE County: Board Approves Studying Demolition, Other Options For The Domes
MKE County

Board Approves Studying Demolition, Other Options For The Domes

Policy does not support demolition, which many supervisors remain opposed to.

Supervisor Martinez Renews Call to Fund the Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory
MKE County: New Policy Would Require County To Study Demolishing The Domes
MKE County

New Policy Would Require County To Study Demolishing The Domes

County board considering replacing repair-focused 2016 policy after limited progress.

Supervisors Applaud Decision to Advance Historic Designation for Mitchell Park Domes
MKE County: Supervisors Demand A Domes Plan
MKE County

Supervisors Demand A Domes Plan

Parks Committee recommends pursuing historic designation. But then what?

Op Ed: How the Domes Can Be Saved
Op Ed

How the Domes Can Be Saved

Just as New York’s Central Park was. Create a nonprofit conservancy to revive and restore the domes and Mitchell Park.

MKE County: Task Force Rejects ARPA Funding for Domes
MKE County

Task Force Rejects ARPA Funding for Domes

Supervisors want to use $19 million in pandemic stimulus funds to begin fixing Mitchell Park Domes.

Supervisors Martinez, Zerpa, and Martin Disagree with ARPA Task Force Decision to Reject Funding the Mitchell Park Domes

Supervisors Martinez, Zerpa, and Martin Disagree with ARPA Task Force Decision to Reject Funding the Mitchell Park Domes

“I am disappointed that our historic domes weren’t guaranteed a future today. This landmark is not only beloved by the south side of Milwaukee, but it is an iconic structure that is enjoyed by visitors from around the world.” said Supervisor Zerpa.  

MKE County: Could Domes Get National Historic Designation?
MKE County

Could Domes Get National Historic Designation?

Supervisors draft legislation to start the nomination process.

Supervisor Ortiz-Velez Urges County to Apply for State Funds to Repair Mitchell Park Domes
MKE County: Saga Of The Domes Continues
MKE County

Saga Of The Domes Continues

Years after task force report and consultant analysis, county officials finally reviewing the options.

MKE County: Board Adds Domes Funding to Budget
MKE County

Board Adds Domes Funding to Budget

Abele's budget had no funding. Board members embrace consultant's $60 million domes plan

Lipscomb Proposes Funds for Domes Preservation

Lipscomb Proposes Funds for Domes Preservation

"It is important that we continue to make real progress at the Domes in 2020."

MKE County: Domes Task Force Recommends $66 Million Plan
MKE County

Domes Task Force Recommends $66 Million Plan

Plan to radically alter the domes and Mitchell Park demands fast decision making.

Lipscomb Applauds Work of Domes Task Force

Lipscomb Applauds Work of Domes Task Force

The Domes Task Force voted Tuesday night to endorse a business plan for restoring the Domes, expanding programming, and adding several amenities to Mitchell Park.

MKE County: Domes Proposal Requires Great Speed
MKE County

Domes Proposal Requires Great Speed

Consultant's "Think Big" solution requires fast-paced applications for grants, tax credits.

4 Questions and Answers on The Domes

4 Questions and Answers on The Domes

What's going to happen? That could be the toughest question of all.

MKE County: Rumors of Domes’ Demise Exaggerated
MKE County

Rumors of Domes’ Demise Exaggerated

Despite report recommending their death, county board members want to save domes.

Task Force Says Dump the Domes

Task Force Says Dump the Domes

Report commissioned by Milwaukee Public Museum and Mitchell Park Domes recommends demolition.