State Rep. Peter Barca
Press Release

Wisconsin Needs a Budget that Puts Families and Economic Opportunity First

Walker budget another step backward for Wisconsin

By - Feb 3rd, 2015 08:06 pm

MADISON – Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) released the following statement tonight after Governor Walker delivered his state budget address:

“Instead of putting forward a budget that puts Wisconsin first and creates economic opportunity that focuses on job creation and our world-class education system, Governor Walker has introduced a budget aimed more at Republican primary voters in Iowa than the needs of the people of Wisconsin.

“In a time of relative prosperity nationwide, Wisconsin is lagging behind in job growth and facing one of the worst budget deficits in the country because of Republicans’ failed policies. But rather than focusing on rebuilding our middle class and investing in our citizens’ top priorities, the governor’s budget doubles down on a trickle-down agenda that has hurt families across the state.

“Once again, the governor is making short-sighted choices that will put Wisconsin’s future at risk. Among other proposals, making massive cuts to our world-class university system, putting more of our state’s transportation needs on the credit card, and providing seemingly unlimited funds for school vouchers while giving crumbs to public schools that educate the overwhelming majority of our students will undermine opportunities for hardworking Wisconsinites and put our state farther behind in a knowledge-based world economy.

“The people of Wisconsin deserve a budget that invests in their top priorities – access to a good-paying job and training for the jobs of tomorrow, stronger schools for their kids and better opportunities now and in the future. Throughout the budget process, Democrats will continue to stand up for these important issues and fight for our shared Wisconsin values.”

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release


  1. David says:

    Walker is a complete ignorant and deluded idiot empowered by foolish voters that elected him. During Walker’s almost 20 years of government service, he has left a trail of corruption and economic mess in his wake. Walker lacks any real knowledge, skills, assets, and background on how to govern and manage a budget. Walker lies more than 75% of the time according to Politifact. The remainder of the time Walker is clueless.

    How could anyone actually trust this idiot to propose and manage a budget. His self proclaimed Masters Degree is a major in sleaze and corruption and many of his key staffers wind up in prison. Walker has never done an honest days work in his life and uses government office on the taxpayer expense to run for office.

    It is appalling that media and voters fall for this sleazy snake-oil salesman that is a simple fraud and dolt.

  2. “Govenor Walker Pimps Wisconsin for Presidential Bid”
    That’s my headline for your ‘Spot On’ article. Walker Wreaked Havoc while Milwaukee’s County Executive. It’s one thing to advance one’s career;; a Stepping Stone. STOMPNG ON THE BACKS OF CITTIZENS You’ve Sworn an Oath to Represent is HENOUS. Walker is a “Whack-A-Mole”, Like an Octupus with 8 Arms, Hammering Everything the Dastardly A.L.E.C. Agenda Dictates! By the way, Swearing the A.l.E.C. Oath IS AN EGREGIOUS CONFLICT OF INTEREST. That Seems. Tantamount To TREASON. Walker’s Policies Stystematically Devastate Poor, Blacks, Middle Class, Teachers, Public Schools & Workers.
    He Brags about DIVIDE & CONQUER Tactics. The Tea Party Arouses Fear in Whites AGAINST Black & Brown Citizens with Hatefull “Dog Whistle Politics” (use of ‘Veiled’, HOSTILE Rhetoric Against Non-Whites). Talk Radio has been Spewing this EVIL Format for 20 yrs,, Brain-Washing Uninformed Whites who Fail to do their Civic Homework are ‘Primed’ to Swallow tBS ”Taliking Points’ (Ideology & Propoganda) and Reinforced wiith Deceptive, Manupalitive, Smear Campaign Commericals on TV. It’s the CIVIC Responsibility of Every Citizen to Obtain Objective, Factual Information from Un-Biased Sources. In additon to Urban Milwaukee, I Recommend The SHEPHERD EXPRESS & The CAPITAL TIMES. Broadcast TV: Public Television’s News Hour iwhich ncludes BBC (England) & DW (Germany).
    This Requires Energy and Commitment because the Mass Media has been BOUGHT UP by Corporate Monopolies. This was Permissable because Former President, Ronald Regan began Deregulating Everything that was put in Place 50 yrs earlier to Protect Citizens by FDR’s “NEW DEAL” which led us out of Nation’s Worst Economic Depression. Those Protectections WERE Systematically Eliminated for CORPORATE GREED Predictably LED to the Second Worst Economic Depression. T was Caused by the ‘BANKSTERS’ who ‘Gambled “Mortgage Derivitives” with F.D.I.C. Protected Money. Deemed “Too Big To Fail”, Banks were Baiied-Out with TAX Dollars WHILE MILLIONS OF FAMLIES LOST THEIR HOMES!

  3. AG says:

    I can’t decide which technique is worse for getting a message across; name calling or plastering a wall of incoherent words with random capitalization and punctuation choices.

  4. PMD says:

    That hurts the eyes. Yikes.

  5. Kyle says:

    I’m pretty sure most history books credit the war with pulling the US out of the Great Depression. But those “BOOKS” were clearly PAID for by Reagan CRONIES! Carol knows the “TRUTH”!

    Yeah, it definitely looks like and ad-bot exploded all over that post. I’m pretty sure if I read it closely, I’ll find a link for discount drugs from Mexico (and several ways to assist a Nigerian princess…)

  6. AG says:

    Look again!!! I reread it a few times and I think I just discovered where Jimmy Hoffa’s body is buried!

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