
Governor Walker Signs Senate Bill 293 Into Law

Governor Walker Signs Senate Bill 293 Into Law

Act 36 makes several technical changes to the state’s voucher programs.

One Wisconsin Statements on First Meeting of Trump Voter Suppression Committee

One Wisconsin Statements on First Meeting of Trump Voter Suppression Committee

‘We Fought Back Against Scott Walker’s Attacks on Voting, We’ll Do the Same with Trump’

Sen. Taylor to GOP “Get it Together!”

Sen. Taylor to GOP “Get it Together!”

"The budget is late, lacks leadership, and, above all, offers no responsible solutions to the problems plaguing education and transportation, institutions Wisconsinites depend on."

Protect Healthcare and the UW System

Protect Healthcare and the UW System

"We need healthcare policies that work for everyone and don’t leave Wisconsinites without access."

Statement on Senate Health Care Developments

Statement on Senate Health Care Developments

"In 2018, the voters will choose progressives who stood up to protect their health care."

Vukmir supports Senate GOP budget

Vukmir supports Senate GOP budget

"Our constituents sent us here to hold the line on taxes. This budget does that and more."

Debt. Debt. And more Debt.

Debt. Debt. And more Debt.

Senate Republicans propose more credit card spending, tax breaks for millionaires

What You Won’t Find in the Republican Senate Budget Proposal

What You Won’t Find in the Republican Senate Budget Proposal

If you ask people across the state what the state should fund, most will tell you that we should fund our schools, our roads and essential services that keep us safe.

Gov. Scott Walker on Drugs

Gov. Scott Walker on Drugs

Takes $25,000 Contribution From Marijuana’s Trade Group As Head of Republican Governors Association, While Lobbying to Expand Drug Testing in Wisconsin

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Calls on President Trump to Push for Action on Buy America Legislation during “Made in America Week”

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Calls on President Trump to Push for Action on Buy America Legislation during “Made in America Week”

The Made in America Water Infrastructure Act requires that 100 percent American-made iron and steel is used in water infrastructure projects funded by the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.

H.O.P.E. for Wisconsin: Governor Walker Signs Four Special Session Bills into Law at Medical College of Wisconsin – Green Bay
H.O.P.E. for Wisconsin

Governor Walker Signs Four Special Session Bills into Law at Medical College of Wisconsin – Green Bay

"Like many states in our great nation, Wisconsin is experiencing a dangerous trend – a growing number of cases of opioid abuse and overdose."

Sen. Shilling statement on limited opioid response

Sen. Shilling statement on limited opioid response

Substance abuse worsens amid GOP cuts, attacks on Affordable Care Act