MPS Student Wins Gold Medal at National NAACP Competition
Milwaukee High School of the Arts students honored for music, arts
Jul 21st, 2016 by Milwaukee Public SchoolsProposal seeks ballot measure on hiring 150 MPD officers
For city property owners, the total cost on their tax bill is estimated to be 47 cents per $1,000 of assessed value each year from 2017 to 2021.
Jul 20th, 2016 by Ald. Terry WitkowskiPocan Statement on Passing of Congressman Mark Takai
"I had the privilege to witness his dedication to his constituents while serving with him as a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus"
Jul 20th, 2016 by U.S. Rep. Mark PocanStrange Fruit Music Festival Addresses Racial Inequities
Strange Fruit is a music festival that explores the thoughts and emotions of local musicians as to the present climate of racial relations both in Milwaukee and the country as a whole.
Jul 20th, 2016 by Urban Milwaukee43 Million Americans With $1.3 Trillion in Student Loan Debt, 0 Mentions in Addresses of Rep. Paul Ryan, Rep. Sean Duffy and Sen. Ron Johnson
Next Up Scott Walker, the ‘Worst Governor in America’ on Student Loan Debt
Jul 20th, 2016 by One Wisconsin NowU.S. Secretary of Education Honors UW-Milwaukee for Sustainability Efforts
UWM’s accomplishments include reducing greenhouse gas emissions at all sites by 10 percent/
Jul 20th, 2016 by University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeAfter Request from U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, U.S. Department of Transportation Announces $2.75 Million for Emergency Repairs to Roads in Northern Wisconsin
After devastating flooding, Senator Baldwin toured northern Wisconsin communities to help coordinate emergency response to the disaster
Jul 20th, 2016 by U.S. Sen. Tammy BaldwinMayor Tom Barrett endorses ReElection of State Representative Josh Zepnick, cites leadership on workforce development
Representative Zepnick is a former Chair of the Milwaukee Delegation and has served two Governors on the Council on Workforce Investment.
Jul 20th, 2016 by Josh ZepnickDijkstra’s recent video installations to debut at the Milwaukee Art Museum
Over the past 30 years, Dijkstra has produced a sensitive and eloquent body of photographic and video work.
Jul 20th, 2016 by Milwaukee Art MuseumBuilding and construction worker groups endorse DA John Chisholm
“I am humbled and honored to have the support of the thousands of working men and women represented by these important associations who effectively represent the interests of their members,” said Chisholm.
Jul 20th, 2016 by John ChisholmUWM Alumni Assocation to Honor More Than 20 Indivduals, Businesses
The 22 individual recipients and one corporate partner were chosen for awards based on their outstanding professional achievements, civic involvement and partnerships with the university.
Jul 20th, 2016 by University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeState Senator Chris Larson Endorsees Marisabel Cabrera for State Assembly
Larson believes in standing up for communities, public education
Jul 20th, 2016 by Marisabel Cabrera