U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Senate Great Lakes Task Force Letter to OMB Director Calling for $300 Million for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative in Next Year’s Budget
Alderman Johnson thanks Senator Kohl for generous library gift of $2 Million

Alderman Johnson thanks Senator Kohl for generous library gift of $2 Million

Statement of Alderman Cavalier Johnson - October 23, 2017

Andy Gronik Urges WEDC To Release Foxconn Contract Details Before Vote, Collect Public Feedback

Andy Gronik Urges WEDC To Release Foxconn Contract Details Before Vote, Collect Public Feedback

Defaulted loans by Kestrel Aircraft serve as a cautionary tale as WEDC negotiates most massive taxpayer-backed corporate incentive deal in U.S. History

Statement from Speaker Robin Vos

Statement from Speaker Robin Vos

"I now regret using the word terrorist because it goes against the guidelines I’ve set for our chamber, and myself. For that, I apologize."

‘On the Verge (or the Geography of Yearning)’ will be presented by Marquette Theatre

‘On the Verge (or the Geography of Yearning)’ will be presented by Marquette Theatre

On the Verge sheds light on the inner and outer frontiers of the human condition.

$34 Million Gift to Transform MSOE into National Leader in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Science Education

$34 Million Gift to Transform MSOE into National Leader in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Science Education

Move positions university at educational forefront of next-generation technologies

Johnson Financial Group CEO announces plans to retire

Johnson Financial Group CEO announces plans to retire

Popp to Succeed Bolger as next CEO

Memo to Robin Vos: It Wasn’t Terrorism It Was ‘Executive Favor’
Memo to Robin Vos

It Wasn’t Terrorism It Was ‘Executive Favor’

Senate Republican Troika Still Needs to Answer Why They Violated WI Statute 13.06

Northwest Side Community Development Corporation Awarded OCS Grant to Finance Diamond Precision Products Expansion

Northwest Side Community Development Corporation Awarded OCS Grant to Finance Diamond Precision Products Expansion

NWSCDC to partner with MEDC to finance Diamond Precision expansion; project will create new jobs by high-tech manufacturer of precision machined components.

Beer Release Party October 26th

Beer Release Party October 26th

The new releases bring the number of beer at Gathering Place to 12 in total.

Americans for Prosperity calls on Speaker Robin Vos to Apologize to Governor Walker and Senators

Americans for Prosperity calls on Speaker Robin Vos to Apologize to Governor Walker and Senators

Speaker Vos Insulted Governor, Compared Senators to “Terrorists” in Interview

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Tax Reform to Support Small Business Start-Up Growth

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Tax Reform to Support Small Business Start-Up Growth

For three years in a row, Wisconsin has ranked last in business start-up activity