Judge Paul Watford goes ‘On the Issues’ at Marquette Law School

Judge Paul Watford goes ‘On the Issues’ at Marquette Law School

In a highly partisan world, Watford has received praise from both conservatives and liberals for his work on the Ninth Circuit.

Safe & Sound Welcomes Two New Board Directors

Safe & Sound Welcomes Two New Board Directors

The new board directors bring significant workforce, economic and community engagement experience.

Milwaukee to Read and Celebrate In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez

Milwaukee to Read and Celebrate In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez

Milwaukee Public Library to Kick Off "MKE Big Read" Saturday, April 8.

Transit Riders Union Supports the $60 Vehicle Registration Fee

Transit Riders Union Supports the $60 Vehicle Registration Fee

The only option available for dedicated transit funding in Milwaukee County is the Vehicle Registration Fee.

Wisconsin Welcomes New Partnership with Administration to Undo Costly, Job-Killing Regulations

Wisconsin Welcomes New Partnership with Administration to Undo Costly, Job-Killing Regulations

Governor Scott Walker today praised U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt.

Rep. Pocan on Trump’s Trade Executive Orders: Mostly Talk, Little Action
Rep. Pocan on Trump’s Trade Executive Orders

Mostly Talk, Little Action

"He broke his promise to declare China a currency manipulator on day one and has yet to address our trade deficit with China."

Groundbreaking Celebrates Re-emergence of Black Holocaust Museum, Bronzeville

Groundbreaking Celebrates Re-emergence of Black Holocaust Museum, Bronzeville

Maures Development Group and J. Jeffers & Co. will be redeveloping the Garfield School into 30 affordable apartments.

Former City-Owned Home to be Featured on New Milwaukee-based HGTV Show

Former City-Owned Home to be Featured on New Milwaukee-based HGTV Show

A new HGTV reality show will air its pilot episode this weekend featuring the renovation of a home in the 12th Aldermanic District.

New and Improved MCTS Brewers Line Now Serving More Fans in More Locations
Community Meeting Set to Discuss Milwaukee River Floodplain Soil and Sediment Sample Results

Community Meeting Set to Discuss Milwaukee River Floodplain Soil and Sediment Sample Results

The public meeting will be held April 18 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Gordon Park Pavilion.

Despicable Duey: Legislator Exploiting Loopholes to Cut His Own Taxes Wants To Hike Property Taxes on People Voting to Support Their Public Schools
Despicable Duey

Legislator Exploiting Loopholes to Cut His Own Taxes Wants To Hike Property Taxes on People Voting to Support Their Public Schools

Republicans Propose Property Tax Hike to Punish Communities for Voting to Support Their Public Schools

Alverno student honored as 2017 Newman Civic Fellow

Alverno student honored as 2017 Newman Civic Fellow

Katherine Watson is an active leader dedicated to advocating for people who are marginalized in society.