“Let Them Eat Cake”
Thousands of WI children to lose food assistance under House GOP Farm Bill
May 1st, 2018 by State Sen. Jennifer ShillingMay 9 – Magnificent Machines of Milwaukee Lecture at North Point Lighthouse
The lecture will be based on Thomas H. Fehring's recent book, The Magnificent Machines of Milwaukee.
May 1st, 2018 by North Point Lighthouse Friends, Inc.McCabe calls for ‘fix ‘em first’ & ‘pay as we pave’ policies on roads
"Wisconsin can’t have bad roads and a good economy."
May 1st, 2018 by Mike McCabe22 Wisconsin School Districts Awarded Fab Lab Grants
Governor Scott Walker, WEDC Secretary Mark Hogan, UW System President Ray Cross and other key leaders to award grants during statewide tour on “Fab Lab Day”
May 1st, 2018 by Gov. Scott WalkerCity of Milwaukee Health Department Laboratory to Offer Garden Soil Screening to the Public for Lead and Nutrients
Residents are reminded of lead in soil hazards and encouraged to get soil screened for upcoming gardening season
May 1st, 2018 by City of Milwaukee Health DepartmentWisconsin Receives “A” for Government Spending Transparency Website
While Wisconsin emerged as a leading state in the report’s analysis, there is room for improvement.
May 1st, 2018 by WISPIRG FoundationPresident Hamilton to take part in panel discussion of film MILWAUKEE 53206
MILWAUKEE 53206 chronicles the lives of individuals living in the ZIP code with the highest percentage incarceration rate of Black men in America, up to 62%.
May 1st, 2018 by Ald. Ashanti HamiltonWisconsin State AFL-CIO Endorses Tom Palzewicz for Congress
Federation says Palzewicz will stand up for working families and protect American workers
May 1st, 2018 by Tom PalzewiczDolores Huerta Endorses Randy Bryce
To honor May Day, Bryce is marching with other Latinxs and immigrants today
May 1st, 2018 by Randy BryceShakespeare in the Park returns to the Marcus Center’s Peck Pavilion for the 2018 Production of “King Lear,” Headlined by Jim Pickering
The tragedy will play on three weekends: July 5-8, 12-15 and 19-21, with a weekday matinee on July 17.
Apr 30th, 2018 by Optimist TheatreFPC to Vote on Chief of Police Appointment
The Board will consider and vote on the appointment of Alfonso Morales to the position of Chief of Police for the City of Milwaukee for a period of time ending January 7, 2020.
Apr 30th, 2018 by City of Milwaukee Fire and Police CommissionMilwaukee Museum Mile Celebrates Its 7th Year On Mother’s Day
May 13, 2018 | 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Apr 30th, 2018 by Milwaukee Museum Mile