Miltrim Farms Inc. becomes first farm in North America to achieve water stewardship certification

Miltrim Farms Inc. becomes first farm in North America to achieve water stewardship certification

Additional farms being recruited to participate in Clear Water Farms program

Gov. Evers Seeks Applicants for Crawford County District Attorney

Gov. Evers Seeks Applicants for Crawford County District Attorney

The new appointee will serve for the remainder of the unexpired term that ends January 2021.

Gov. Evers Seeks Applicants for Court of Appeals—District I

Gov. Evers Seeks Applicants for Court of Appeals—District I

The new judge will complete a term ending July 31, 2021.

Gov. Evers Seeks Applicants for Court of Appeals—District I

Gov. Evers Seeks Applicants for Court of Appeals—District I

The new judge will complete a term ending July 31, 2021.

Stritch Hosting Naturalization Ceremony Monday, October 28; More than 140 to become United States citizens

Stritch Hosting Naturalization Ceremony Monday, October 28; More than 140 to become United States citizens

A total of 145 candidates from 50 nations will take the Oath of Allegiance and become United States Citizens at the ceremony.

State Affirmative Action Council recognizes WisDOT diversity efforts

State Affirmative Action Council recognizes WisDOT diversity efforts

State Patrol Superintendent Burrell receives leadership award

Milwaukee welcomes major travel writer convention in already busy year

Milwaukee welcomes major travel writer convention in already busy year

Society of American Travel Writers chooses Brew City in 2020

Marquette University receives Employer of the Year Award for inclusive hiring

Marquette University receives Employer of the Year Award for inclusive hiring

The award is part of CEO’s Inclusive Employer Leadership Awards, which recognizes employers who look to diversify their workplace by hiring adults with disabilities and network with like-minded organizations.

NSF Invests in Cyberinfrastructure Institute to Harness Cosmic data

NSF Invests in Cyberinfrastructure Institute to Harness Cosmic data

“Multi-messenger astrophysics is a data-intensive science in its infancy that is already transforming our understanding of the universe.”

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Stop Foreign Interference in our Elections

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Stop Foreign Interference in our Elections

The House of Representatives passed companion legislation yesterday to end harmful interference in American elections

Wisconsin Veterans Chamber calls on Milwaukee businesses to observe Veterans Day

Wisconsin Veterans Chamber calls on Milwaukee businesses to observe Veterans Day

Businesses encouraged to offer discounts or other promotions for military families

Greenfire Wins 2019 Wisconsin Minority Business Enterprise Award for Outstanding Large Business

Greenfire Wins 2019 Wisconsin Minority Business Enterprise Award for Outstanding Large Business

The company was recognized for establishing a business that demonstrated the capacity to grow and has plans for continued expansion.