MCTS Has Highest-Rated Transit Tracking and Ticketing App in North America
In less than two years, the app has been downloaded more than 100,000 times, received thousands of positive reviews and achieved an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars in the iOS App Store.
Nov 8th, 2019 by Milwaukee County Transit SystemGov. Evers Announces Theme for 2019 State Capitol Holiday Tree
In a letter to teachers across the state, Gov. Evers announced the theme for this year is “Celebrate Science.”
Nov 8th, 2019 by Gov. Tony EversU.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Honors 93 year-old Shawano Veteran
Baldwin visited the home of Phyllis Hafemann Olson to recognize her service in the Cadet Nurse Corps during WWII
Nov 8th, 2019 by U.S. Sen. Tammy BaldwinWDVA Announces 2019 Woman Veteran of the Year
"Gundy" Metz's service continues after 20 years on active duty
Nov 8th, 2019 by Wisconsin Department of Veterans AffairsRepublican Inaction on Gun Safety Fails Wisconsin
Governor Evers and legislative Democrats focus on safety while Republicans play politics
Nov 7th, 2019 by State Senate Democratic Leader Dianne HesselbeinRepublicans Ignore 80 Percent of Wisconsinites, Majority of Gun Owners, Refuse to Take Up Gun Safety Reform
Despite overwhelming public support for these proposals—including the support of the majority of Wisconsin gun owners—Republicans ignored the will of the people and refused to take up the bills.
Nov 7th, 2019 by Gov. Tony EversSen. Fitzgerald Stands Up for Second Amendment, Ends Evers’ Special Session on Gun Control
"I’ve said all along that the Senate would not go along with the governor’s plans for this special session."
Nov 7th, 2019 by U.S. Rep. Scott FitzgeraldGov. Evers’ Statement on Republicans’ Failed Veto Overrides
"Republicans are clearly more interested in playing politics than getting anything done for the people of our state..."
Nov 7th, 2019 by Gov. Tony EversSupervisor Taylor Recognizes Advocates for Domestic Violence and Breast Cancer Awareness
"It is important for us to lift up the work those who advocate for survivors of traumatic experiences."
Nov 7th, 2019 by State Rep. Sequanna TaylorRepublicans Fail to Prioritize the Safety of Wisconsinites
“It’s time for Republicans to prioritize the safety of Wisconsinites.”
Nov 7th, 2019 by State Sen. LaTonya JohnsonEvery Day of Inaction Is One Day Closer to a Preventable Mass Shooting
Republicans Ignore Public Pleas for Action on Gun Violence
Nov 7th, 2019 by State Sen. Jennifer Shilling