Chris Larson Addresses Nomination Decision

Chris Larson Addresses Nomination Decision

"While today's ruling was understandable given the clarity of the statute, I am disappointed that my friends Jim and Bryan will not be on the ballot."

City Begins 16th Year of Summer Employment for High Schoolers

City Begins 16th Year of Summer Employment for High Schoolers

Hourly Wage Climbs to $11.52 per Hour

American Family Insurance Group Companies Raise Minimum Pay to $20 Per Hour
Former Attorney Charged with Fraud for Falsely Representing to Client that Assistant United States Attorney had Agreed to Accept a Bribe in Exchange for Securing a Reduced Sentence for Client
Statements on Gerald Whitburn’s resignation from the UW-System Board of Regents
Majority Leader Fitzgerald Reacts to New Revenue Numbers, Plans to Move Ahead with Property Tax Cut Proposal
Three Marquette College of Nursing gifts provide $6.3 million to student scholarships, strengthen caregiver pipeline
Baldwin, Risch Lead Bipartisan Effort to Stand Up for America’s Dairy Farmers

Baldwin, Risch Lead Bipartisan Effort to Stand Up for America’s Dairy Farmers

Baldwin and Risch implored Commissioner Hahn to work with Congress to combat the misuse of dairy terms on non-dairy products.

Gov. Evers Calls Special Session, Signs Executive Orders Supporting and Investing in Farmers and Rural Communities

Gov. Evers Calls Special Session, Signs Executive Orders Supporting and Investing in Farmers and Rural Communities

Governor's Special Session legislation includes investments in mental health, farm-to-school and farm-to-fork programs, and increasing dairy exports.

New Performing Arts Project Announces Auditions

New Performing Arts Project Announces Auditions

Auditions are being scheduled for the first program of a wide-ranging performance project recently announced by Charles Q. Sullivan.

Risser Applauds Governor Evers’ State of the State Address

Risser Applauds Governor Evers’ State of the State Address

Last night during the State of the State Address, Governor Evers delivered a resounding call to action on the challenges facing our state.

Wisconsin Dental Association Foundation Elects Dr. Christine Tempas as President

Wisconsin Dental Association Foundation Elects Dr. Christine Tempas as President

Dr. Christine S. Tempas, a retired general dentist and resident of Sheboygan Falls, Wis., has been elected president of the Wisconsin Dental Association Foundation.