
Alderman Donovan calls for hiring 300-400 new police officers; points to New York City’s example
Statement from Rep. Barca on Assembly passage of irresponsible, partisan mining bill

Statement from Rep. Barca on Assembly passage of irresponsible, partisan mining bill

Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) released the following statement today on Assembly passage of a Republican partisan mining bill that rolls back environmental protections, ignores the needs and wishes of residents and elected officials closest to the mine and does not conform to federal law.

Alderman Pérez invites residents to Zilber Clarke Square Community Listening Café
Statement from Rep. Barca on the conclusion of the John Doe investigation

Statement from Rep. Barca on the conclusion of the John Doe investigation

Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) released the following statement today after the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office announced the conclusion of the John Doe criminal investigation surrounding Gov. Walker and many of his former aides.

Common Council approves two new facets of Milwaukee Jobs Act

Common Council approves two new facets of Milwaukee Jobs Act

The Common Council enabled the Milwaukee Jobs Act to take two more significant steps toward putting city residents back to work Wednesday, approving funding that increases the number of positions in the LEAP program and dramatically expands the Neighborhood Ambassador program.

Pull the Pork From the Pentagon!

Pull the Pork From the Pentagon!

With Sequester Looming, Community Groups Demand Senator Ron Johnson Protect the Interests of the People of Wisconsin, Not Corporate Special Interests and Defense Contractors.

Statement from Rep. Barca on LFB analysis of Walker tax plan

Statement from Rep. Barca on LFB analysis of Walker tax plan

Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) issued the following statement today after the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau released a memo regarding the budget impact of Gov. Walker's tax proposals

Attack on residency continues Governor’s “divide and conquer” strategy

Attack on residency continues Governor’s “divide and conquer” strategy

Governor Walker’s state budget proposal to end residency requirements for municipalities statewide is one of the most serious and direct attacks on local control and local governance in the history of the State of Wisconsin.

Mayor Barrett’s 2013 State of the City Address

Mayor Barrett’s 2013 State of the City Address

Monday, February 25, 2013, Pritzlaff Building

Chairwoman Dimitrijevic Statement on Governor’s Budget

Chairwoman Dimitrijevic Statement on Governor’s Budget

The state budget presented by Governor Scott Walker includes a number of positive items. We are excited with the grant funding for the VETransfer program, located in Milwaukee, which supports veteran entrepreneurs.

Governor Walker’s budget proposals prompt fresh concerns for Milwaukee

Governor Walker’s budget proposals prompt fresh concerns for Milwaukee

Statement of Common Council President Willie L. Hines, Jr. February 21, 2013

Congressman Pocan and Citizen Action of Wisconsin Urge Action to Avert the Sequester and Protect Wisconsin Jobs and Middle Class Families

Congressman Pocan and Citizen Action of Wisconsin Urge Action to Avert the Sequester and Protect Wisconsin Jobs and Middle Class Families

Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-02) held a media conference today with Executive Director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin Robert Kraig, highlighting the urgent need to avert the sequester and protect Wisconsin jobs and middle class families.