
County Executive Abele Orders Special Elections

County Executive Abele Orders Special Elections

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele announced today special elections will be held to replace two County Supervisors.

Rep. Barca announces Democratic committee assignments for upcoming legislative session

Rep. Barca announces Democratic committee assignments for upcoming legislative session

Today Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) announced the Assembly Democratic members of the standing and joint committees for the 2013-2014 legislative session.

Rep. Richards Reappointed to Joint Finance Committee

Rep. Richards Reappointed to Joint Finance Committee

Creating jobs and helping middle class are top priorities for Milwaukee lawmaker

Council members applaud 911 cell phone shift vote by County Board

Council members applaud 911 cell phone shift vote by County Board

The Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors today approved a compromise plan that will allow Milwaukee Police Department dispatchers to begin handling all 911 cell phone calls that originate in the city – a cooperative move that will save taxpayer dollars.

Board Saves Taxpayers More Than $15 Million By Reforming Pension Backdrop

Board Saves Taxpayers More Than $15 Million By Reforming Pension Backdrop

Board Approves Resolution to “Cap the Backdrop” Authored by Supervisor Lipscomb

Results from Today’s Milwaukee County Board Meeting

Results from Today’s Milwaukee County Board Meeting

A summary of items passed at the county board meeting.

Rep. Richards Proposes Requiring Background Checks for All Wisconsin Gun Sales

Rep. Richards Proposes Requiring Background Checks for All Wisconsin Gun Sales

Today, Rep. Jon Richards (D-Milwaukee) announced he is drafting legislation to require background checks for all gun purchases in Wisconsin.

New Wisconsin Health Insurance Cost Ranking

New Wisconsin Health Insurance Cost Ranking

Milwaukee and Racine Have Highest Health Insurance Costs in State for 2013

A Call to U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson for Strong Reforms on International Migrants Day

A Call to U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson for Strong Reforms on International Migrants Day

Voces de la Frontera and a coalition of community and labor groups will on Tuesday, Dec. 18th, join the United Nations’ global celebration of International Migrants Day by asking U.S. Senator Ron Johnson to support meaningful immigration reform.

Rep. Richards: Gov. Walker needs to “shut the door” on ending same-day voter registration
Rep. Richards

Gov. Walker needs to “shut the door” on ending same-day voter registration

No victory for voters or taxpayers until a veto is promised

County Supervisors, Others to Call for End to Poverty Wages for Janitors

County Supervisors, Others to Call for End to Poverty Wages for Janitors

Contract for cleaning county buildings spurs concerns that public dollars fund family-sustaining jobs

Supervisor Bowen, Coalition of Organizations, Citizens Applaud Reverse Decision By Fire and Police Comission