
Rep. Shankland Responds to Ed Wall’s Resignation from Secretary of DOC

Rep. Shankland Responds to Ed Wall’s Resignation from Secretary of DOC

“While the governor seems to have a refined ability to casually brush off scandal after scandal associated with his administration, the mismanagement within our correctional system needs to be addressed immediately.”

Walker Administration and Republican Legislators Must Also Be Held Accountable for Corrections Crisis
Shilling statement on Sec. Wall resignation

Shilling statement on Sec. Wall resignation

“I am appalled by the latest revelations of child abuse and sexual assault that occurred in Gov. Walker’s Department of Corrections.”

City of Milwaukee Wins White House “Healthy Communities Challenge”

City of Milwaukee Wins White House “Healthy Communities Challenge”

Mayor Barrett to Welcome President Obama for Congratulatory Visit

Governor Walker Further Opens Door for Cronyism, Corruption in Wisconsin

Governor Walker Further Opens Door for Cronyism, Corruption in Wisconsin

Republican Civil Service Law Puts Political Interests over Public Interest

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Congratulates Milwaukee on Winning the White House Healthy Communities Challenge

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Congratulates Milwaukee on Winning the White House Healthy Communities Challenge

Milwaukee won the White House Healthy Communities Challenge with over 38,000 people in the Milwaukee area newly selecting a plan through the ACA Health Insurance Marketplace.

Governor Scott Walker Announces Appointment of New Department of Corrections Secretary

Governor Scott Walker Announces Appointment of New Department of Corrections Secretary

"Jon Litscher has gained valuable experience by serving in numerous roles throughout his career, including various positions in state government."

Planned Parenthood Endorses Rep. Moore’s Infant Mortality Bill

Planned Parenthood Endorses Rep. Moore’s Infant Mortality Bill

Congresswoman Moore collaborated with numerous local and national organizations to develop this legislation.

UAW, SEIU, LIUNA, AFSCME Endorse Russ Feingold

UAW, SEIU, LIUNA, AFSCME Endorse Russ Feingold

Russ earned the endorsements because of his commitment to creating an economy that works for working and middle class Wisconsinites.

Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin Applauds Gov. Walker for Signing Civil Service Reform

Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin Applauds Gov. Walker for Signing Civil Service Reform

Civil Service reform will create a more efficient and effective state government

Citizen Action, Ironworkers Local #8 Endorse Chevy Johnson

Citizen Action, Ironworkers Local #8 Endorse Chevy Johnson

Chevy Johnson has been endorsed by a number of labor unions, progressive organizations, neighbors and elected officials.

In signing civil service destruction bill, Walker “bans the box”

In signing civil service destruction bill, Walker “bans the box”

“As the author of the state’s ban the box legislation for multiple sessions, I am glad that the issue is beginning to gain bipartisan support.”