Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Press Release

DPW Response to NBC-Marist Polling on Scott Walker

"This latest poll demonstrates that Wisconsin voters are ready for a change after eight long years of Scott Walker."

By - Jul 26th, 2018 05:16 pm
Gov. Scott Walker. Photo from the State of Wisconsin.

Gov. Scott Walker. Photo from the State of Wisconsin.

Today’s NBC-Marist poll shows that only 34% of Wisconsin voters say Scott Walker deserves a third term. 61% say it’s time for someone new. A mere 5% are undecided.

Reaction from DPW:

“This latest poll demonstrates that Wisconsin voters are ready for a change after eight long years of Scott Walker. Walker has focused on his personal ambition instead of the needs of Wisconsin’s families. Under Walker, healthcare costs are rising, the roads are crumbling, and the schools are facing a funding crisis. Voters know that a third term for Walker would just be more of the same. They’re ready for a governor with new ideas who will lead Wisconsin into the future.” — TJ Helmstetter, DPW spokesperson for 2018 gubernatorial election

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release


  1. Wisconsin Conservative Digest says:

    Phony poll but it make Evers King of the Hill. Dems run like rats to get aboard quick.

  2. PMD says:

    Spoken like a scared man. If it showed Walker beating Evers and holding an approval rating of 55% you’d be singing a very different tune.

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