Content referencing William Rehnquist
Data Wonk
3 Scenarios For GOP Threats Against Protasiewicz
Federal and state case law suggest there are no grounds for impeachment.
Sep 13th, 2023 by Bruce ThompsonMurphy’s Law
College Grads Are Leaving Republican Party
While less educated voters ditch the Democratic Party. How is that changing the state?
Sep 22nd, 2021 by Bruce MurphyKavanaugh Opinion on State’s Election Called “Ominous”
Supreme Court justice echoes Trump’s view that election day must decide final vote.
Oct 28th, 2020 by Ruth ConniffHouse Confidential
Milwaukee Booster Lives in… Shorewood co-owner Jeff Sherman and his wife have a Colonial home in the suburbs, but he tries to downplay this.
Dec 2nd, 2014 by Michael Horne