Tim Kabat, Mayor of the City of La Crosse.

Content referencing Tim Kabat

French Island Wells Show PFAS Pollution

French Island Wells Show PFAS Pollution

State investigates, gives bottled water to residents of island off-shore from La Crosse.

WWBIC to open new women’s business center in Southwestern Wisconsin
Elected Officials Across the State Join Call for Peaceful and Fair Vote Count
VIDEO: Baldwin, Local Wisconsin Leaders Call for More Federal Emergency Funding for State and Local Governments to Provide Essential Services
Should La Crosse Remove Its Hiawatha Statue?

Should La Crosse Remove Its Hiawatha Statue?

Mayor calls for taking down statue created in 1961, criticized as a stereotype.

Senator Baldwin Leads Climate Crisis Committee Hearing on Building Community Resilience in the Face of Extreme Weather from Climate Change
Press Release

Senator Baldwin Leads Climate Crisis Committee Hearing on Building Community Resilience in the Face of Extreme Weather from Climate Change

Senate Democrats heard from experts, local officials on need to take action now to help communities rebuild after severe weather

Baldwin Wants More Federal Help With Flooding

Baldwin Wants More Federal Help With Flooding

State’s flooded areas need more help and changes in federal flood insurance needed, says Senator.

Governor Walker Announces $5 Million State Investment for the La Crosse Center
Press Release

Governor Walker Announces $5 Million State Investment for the La Crosse Center

"This project not only serves the people of La Crosse, but the tristate area of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota."