Thomas Weatherston (Rep.), 62nd Assembly District Born Buffalo, NY, February 15, 1950; married; 1 child. Graduate Williamsville Central H.S. 1968; A.A.S. construction management, Erie Community College 1975; B.S. industrial engineering State University College of NY at Buffalo 1977. Full-time legislator. Former director of facilities management at Modine Manufacturing Company, and adjunct instructor at Gateway Technical College. Vietnam veteran, served in U.S. Air Force 1968-72. Member: Kiwanis; Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 767; Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10301. Former member: Racine Area Veterans Inc. (pres.); St. Catherine H.S. (bd. mbr.); Salvation Army (advisory bd.). Caledonia Utility District Commission 2011-13. Caledonia Village Trustee 2010-13. Elected to Assembly 2012. Biennial committee assignments: 2013 — Veterans (vice chp.); Colleges and Universities; Consumer Protection; State and Local Finance; Workforce Development. Telephone: Office: (608) 266-0731; (888) 534-0062 (toll free); District: (262) 989-3424. E-mail: Voting address: Racine 53402. Mailing address: Office: Room 109 West, State Capitol, P.O. Box 8953, Madison 53708. Back to the full file.

Thomas Weatherston

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Rep. Thomas Weatherston. Photo from State of Wisconsin.