Sheila Aldrish is a former Milwaukee County Supervisor.
Content referencing Sheila Aldrich
Plenty of Horne
Rep. Petri’s Daughter is Washington Post Columnist
Alexandra Petri's brilliant column ridicules the concept of "affluenza" but she may inherit the malady from her dad.
Dec 19th, 2013 by Michael HorneThe Roundup
Lame Duck Ruffles Feathers
Breier stuck on thorny hotel plan.
Mar 22nd, 2004 by Michael HorneMurphy’s Law
The Real Story Behind The Sheriff’s Departure
There is bad smell surrounding the retirement of Sheriff Lev Baldwin.
Jan 19th, 2002 by Bruce MurphyMurphy’s Law
Did Ament’s Aides Conspire to Replace the Chair of Personnel?
Did Tom Ament's aides scheme to replace the chair of the county board's personnel committee so they could get their blockbuster pension plan passed?
Jan 15th, 2002 by Bruce Murphy